
  • 网络nuanced
  1. 尽管颇有远见,穆瑞并不总是正确的。他与理查德·怀特(RichardWright)、詹姆斯·鲍德温(JamesBaldwin)和其他一些人的论战触怒了不少人,而对此他并不能为自己开脱。但是他的作品细致入微,思维敏捷。他的文字也极为精妙。

    Visionary though he was , Murray wasn 't right about everything - and certainly his polemics against the likes of Richard Wright and James Baldwin rightfully stuck in more than a few craws - but his work reveals a nuanced and agile thinker , and his prose is transcendent .

  2. 通过细致入微的制度措施充分保障合适成年人在场制度的贯彻实施。

    By nuanced system measures to fully ensure implementation of appropriate adult present system .

  3. 一切都已做了细致入微的安排。

    Everything had been planned down to the smallest detail .

  4. 这部话剧对爱情和婚姻进行了细致入微的探讨。

    In the play , love and marriage are put under the microscope .

  5. 协议经过了细致入微的审查。

    The agreement has been examined minutely .

  6. 他对陈旧的方法做了细致入微的改进。

    He refined upon the older methods .

  7. 影迷剧迷们对这些语言的研究细致入微,还在Twitter和论坛上分享剧中语言的破绽。

    Fans scrutinise the languages , sharing inconsistencies on Twitter and discussion forums .

  8. 设计人员借助先进的工具能够生成赏心悦目、细致入微的图像,并将其用在Web站点,让人耳目一新。

    Designers , with the help of advanced tools , are capable of generating impressive and sophisticated imagery to be used on Web sites , giving them a fresh look .

  9. I/O文档能够帮助我们的客户和API提供者,这样发布的文档外观清晰、简洁,且在内容资源、方式方法和参数层面又能够做到细致入微。

    I / O Docs helps our customers , API providers , publish documentation that is clean , simple in appearance , yet full of granular details at the resource , method and parameter levels .

  10. NetBSD细致入微的、编写良好的代码和高度的可移植性使得它成为许多部署方案的最佳选择。

    NetBSD 's attention to detail , well-written code , and vast portability make it a solid choice for a number of deployment scenarios .

  11. 华顿了解现代女性的社会地位,作为一名女性作家,她通过细致入微的描述向读者展现了人物的内心世界。

    Wharton knew well the status of women in the modern society .

  12. 耐心,勤奋,细致入微则是必备素质,

    Patience , diligence , painstaking attention to detail-these are the requirements .

  13. 周末用餐时间也布置得细致入微。

    Weekend meal schedules might also be planned in detail .

  14. 文件细致入微地评述了与皇家丑闻相关的所有事件。

    The papers have minutely examined all the events surrounding the Royal scandal .

  15. 她对乡村景色的辩认更细致入微了,她看见了那片荒凉的沼泽地和海。

    She recognized the country more precisely , the desolate marsh and the sea .

  16. 待人真诚,细致入微,守信重诺,持续改善。

    Honest to people , focus in detail , committed promise , continuous improvement .

  17. 国内外关于听力策略的研究越来越细致入微。

    The domestic and foreign studies on listening strategy tend to be more intensive .

  18. 这个问题的复杂性和细致入微。

    This issue is complicated and nuanced .

  19. 非常感谢你们细致入微的调查工作。

    Thank you for your meticulous investigation .

  20. 画得真是细致入微。

    The amount of detail is incredible .

  21. 规模宏大又细致入微,是奥斯卡获奖影片的一个共同的突出特点。

    Grandeur of scenes with abundance of details is a common prominent trait of Oscar films .

  22. 福格茨工作细致入微&他的每次训练课都准备的极其充分。

    Berti Vogts was such a detailed worker-he was extremely well prepared for every training session .

  23. 推荐信中包含许多细致入微的事件叙述,衬托出申请者栩栩如生的形象。

    And they did so in unusually detailed anecdotes that allowed the applicant to come alive .

  24. 这种逻辑与常规观念存在冲突,后者认为我们可以对农田和蜜蜂等事物进行细致入微的管理。

    Such logic goes against conventional wisdom that fields and bees alike can be uniformly micromanaged .

  25. 我们细致入微的个性化服务,完善的商务设施配置,令您体验至尊商旅的超凡享受。

    Our delicate personal service , integrated business facilities would take you an excellent marvellence business trip .

  26. 尚品对这部分中国人消费需求的了解得可谓细致入微,这一点可能让世界许多知名奢侈品品牌羡慕不已。

    Its intimate understanding of those customers could become the envy of established luxury brands around the world .

  27. 接着细致入微的从多角度分析了村上春树的作品中所无处不在闪现着的电影化想象的影子。

    Then , it is analyzed the cinematic imagination flashed in every part of the works from multiple perspectives .

  28. 要说完全相同(或者有改进)的地方,就在后勤准备和细致入微的服务上。

    What 's exactly the same ( or evolved ) is all of the logistics and attention to detail .

  29. 周密的侦查、慎重的起诉及法庭细致入微的审理,造成了极高的有罪率。

    The thorough detection , the prudent prosecution and the meticulous court hearing brought about a high guilty rate .

  30. 北京大学的神经生物学家饶毅支持屠呦呦的立场则更细致入微。

    Rao Yi , a neuroscientist at Peking University in Beijing , takes a more nuanced stand in support of Tu.