
  • Fine slurry;【林】screened pulp
  1. 细浆得率提高5个百分点;

    Gain rate increased 5 % ;

  2. 木素和细浆卡伯值呈现很好的线性关系;

    A linear relationship between the kappa number and the lignin content of the screened pulp apparently existed ;

  3. 最优化条件下纸浆的粗浆得率为50.3%,细浆得率为48.6%,高锰酸钾值为3.24,白度为51.0%ISO。

    The yield , K value and brightness of screened pulp are 48.6 % , 3.24 , 51.0 % ISO respectively .

  4. 采用化学药品预浸与常规烧碱-蒽醌法蒸煮细浆得率相比几乎不变,而白度提高6.5%ISO,卡伯值降低了6.61。

    The yield of screened pulp almost unaltered , brightness can be increased 6.5 % ISO , and Kappa number can be decreased 6.61 during impregnation with chemical .

  5. 在此条件下制得三倍体毛白杨枝桠材浆料的细浆得率为50.6%,高锰酸钾值为20.9;

    Crotch wood with permanganate number 20.9 and pulp yield 50.6 % and the pulp of Black Italian Polar crotch wood with permanganate number 18.4 and pulp yield .

  6. 实验数据显示:提高热水温度可以改善纸浆质量,细浆得率提高1.7%,白度提高2.8%ISO,卡伯值降低2.49。

    The yield of screened pulp can be increased 1.7 % , brightness can be increased 2.8 % ISO , and Kappa number can be decreased 2.49 during pre-soakage with hot water .

  7. 细浆得率提高5个百分点;撕裂指数、耐破指数和抗张指数分别提高41%、257%和59%。

    The tear index , burst index and the tensile index was increased by 41 % , 25.7 % and 5.9 % respectively . The screened pulp yield could be increased by 5 percentages .

  8. 在处理强度为4.14的预处理条件下,半纤维素的水解程度最大,而细浆得率和纤维素的酶解得率最高,分别为62.0%和73.4%;

    At the condition of pretreatment intensity of 4.14 , the hydrolysis of hemicellulose reached the highest degree , the screened gravimetric recovery yield was 62.0 % , the enzymatic hydrolysis yield was 73.4 % .

  9. 最佳的处理强度为3.55,此条件下,汽爆麦草原料细浆中的葡萄糖得率和滤出液中总糖的得率最高,分别为20.0%和13.0%。

    The optimum pretreatment intensity was 3.55 , which resulted in the highest glucose recovery of 20.0 % in the water insoluble fiber and the highest total sugars recovery of 13.0 % in the filtrate .

  10. 结果表明在混合阔叶木和桦木的碱法蒸煮中添加少量的绿氧助剂可以提高细浆得率,改善蒸煮的均匀性,减少粗渣量,同时对成浆白度也有所提高。

    The results indicated that adding a small amount of green oxygen in the hardwood alkaline pulping increased the fine pulp yield , improved the uniformity of cooking , reduced the amount of dregs and enhanced the pulp brightness .

  11. 综纤维素含量与粗浆得率、细浆得率呈极显著正相关,与苯醇抽出物含量、冷水抽提物含量、阿拉伯糖含量和浆的硬度呈极显著或显著负相关。

    Holocellulose is very significantly and positively correlated with the yield rate of gross pulp and fine pulp , and significantly or very significantly and negatively correlated with the content of the extracted substance from Phenylpropanol , the substance from cold water , arabinose content and the hardness of pulp .

  12. 泥石流细颗粒浆体的有效浓度

    The Effective Concentration of Fine Particle Slurry of Debris Flow

  13. 加入细料到化学浆中可大大提高纸页紧度和许多干纸页强度性质。

    Addition of fines to a chemical pulp significantly improves sheet consolidation and many dry sheet strength properties .

  14. 提高特细号高密品种浆轴质量的实践

    Practice of Enhancing Size Beam of Superfine Count High Density Variety

  15. 为提高特细号纱的浆轴质量,从原纱质量、设备状态、工艺参数、操作方法等方面入手,制定了一系列工艺措施及质量控制指标。

    To enhance size beam quality of superfine count yarn , several processing measures and quality control index were proposed according to raw yarn quality , equipment condition , processing parameters , operation methods and so on .

  16. 针对CJ9.7/9.7551/551和CJ9.7/9.7559/543两种特细号高密品种浆斑疵点多的问题,优化浆料配方,采用低粘度浆料,以改善浆液的浸透效果;

    According to the problems of more starch marks and defects in CJ 9.7 / 9.7 551 / 551 and CJ 9.7 / 9.7 559 / 543 superfine count high density fabric , sizing formula was optimized and low viscosity size mixture was adopted to improve the size imbue effect .