
xì xiānɡ cōnɡ
  • chive
  1. GC-MS法测定大葱、细香葱、小葱中的挥发性物质

    Analysis of Volatile Components of Shallots by GC - MS

  2. 把细香葱叶剪断,混和在马铃薯中。

    Snip the chives and mix these in with the potatoes .

  3. 大而平的叶子,使用方法同细香葱。

    Large flat leaves used as chive is used .

  4. 凉扇贝,卷心菜生姜汁,细香葱,焦糖柠檬,黄金莲。

    Chilled scallops , cabbage and ginger emulsion , chives , lemon caramel , nasturtium .

  5. 细香葱,鲜的或加工过的

    Chive , fresh or preserved

  6. 在质核互作不育类型利用上,介绍了洋葱和细香葱的最新研究进展;

    In the using of CMS , the latest research progresses of onion and chive have been presented .

  7. 对于政治信念没那么激进的人,有种经过改良的绝食斗争方式,即不吃细香葱。

    A modified form of the Hunger Strike for those whose political convictions are not quite so radical is giving up chives .

  8. 芳香植物原产于亚洲,细香葱和中国香葱、大蒜、葱和韭葱属于同一家庭。

    A romatic plants native to asia , the chive and the Chinese chive belong to the same family as garlic , onion and leek .

  9. 大多都很美味:用细香葱、咸豆豉炒的蒜味猪肉块;

    Much of this is delicious : a garlicky confetti of chives , with pork nubs and dark pops of salt from fermented black beans ;

  10. 第二道菜是另一个开胃菜,幼嫩的扇贝配沙司,沙司中有甜菜根,细香葱,柑橘果和细碎的可可豆。

    The second course is another appetiser , quickly seared scallops with a sauce of beets , chives , citrus and tiny bits of cocoa beans .

  11. 盛在汤碗中,并洒上百里香叶、切碎的细香葱、胡椒、及几滴椰汁或橄榄油做装饰。

    Serve in soup bowls and decorate with a leaf of parsley or chopped chive , fresh ground pepper , and a few drops of thick coconut milk or extra virgin olive oil .