
  • 网络chinese medicine;Traditional Chinese medicine;tcm
  1. 吾师孟安琪教授采用中医中药,综合临床表现,辨证论治,对于治疗PCOS积累了丰富的经验。

    My teacher Meng Anqi is a professor of Chinese medicine , Who integrates clinical manifestations , adopts differential treatment to treat PCOS and has accumulated rich experience .

  2. 中医中药治疗青春期功能性子宫出血62例

    Treatment of Pubescent Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding by Chinese Medicine in 62 Patients

  3. 中医中药在促排卵治疗中的效果与CC和HMG相仿。

    The effect of TCM is similar to that of CC and HMG .

  4. 中医中药在治疗MSA一些症状上显示出好的苗头。

    The traditional Chinese medicine has appeared fine indication on the treatment of some of symptoms of MSA .

  5. 近几年来中医中药防治DN显示出一定的优势,能不同程度地改善肾脏功能、减轻临床症状。

    In the recent years prevention and treatment of DN by Chinese medicine has shown some advantages : renal function has been improved , and clinical symptoms have been alleviated .

  6. 中医中药治疗DVT临床有效率相对采用溶栓、抗凝、降粘、抗血小板药物的西药对照组疗效肯定。

    The clinic effective power of treatment using Chinese medicine to treat deep venous thrombosis is better compared with the control group with the medicine of thrombolysis , anticoagulation , depress plasma viscosity , antiplatelet drug .

  7. [方法]幼年雌性SD大鼠注射外源雄激素制造不排卵模型,运用中医中药治疗并观察治疗前后动物动情周期、血清性激素水平以及卵巢病理形态组织学的变化。

    [ Methods ] The rat models of anovulatory disease were established by injecting the immature female SD rat with testosterone and treated with TCM and herbs to observe estrous cycle level of sex hormone of blood and the change of pathological histology of ovary .

  8. 中医中药治疗该病有着显著的疗效。

    Chinese medicine treatment of the disease have a significant effect .

  9. 结论:中药对血流动力学有明显改善趋势.结论:中医中药活血化瘀药物使用前景不可估量。

    Conclusion : TCM has the obviously superiority to improve hemodynamics .

  10. 中医中药治疗胃脘痛120例临床观察

    Clinical observation on 120 cases of epigastric pain treated with TCM

  11. 中医中药专方治疗萎缩性胃炎

    Treating Atrophy Gastritis with a Special Prescription of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  12. 中医中药治疗喉白斑纤维粘连蛋白在口腔粘膜白斑中的表达

    Chinese Medicine for Throat Leukoplakia Effect of fibronectin in oral leukoplakia

  13. 中医中药历史悠久,疗效肯定。

    Chinese medicine has a long history and positive effect .

  14. 药物治疗包括血管扩张剂、基因治疗和中医中药。

    The therapy involves vasodilator , gene therapy and Chinese traditional medicine .

  15. 中医中药对术后尿潴留家兔膀胱功能恢复的影响

    Impact of Traditional Chinese Medicine on Postoperative Urinary Retention in Rabbit Model

  16. 中医中药治疗卵巢囊肿20例临床观察

    Clinical Observation on 20 Cases of Ovarian Cysts Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine

  17. 本文描述了传统中医中药治疗的概况。

    Treatments with traditional Chinese medicine are also described .

  18. 近年来的研究显示,中医中药可切实改善氧化应激对冠心病内皮细胞的损伤。

    Recent researches show that Chinese medicine can effectively improve the oxidative stress .

  19. 谈中医中药的优势

    Talking about the Advantages of TCM and Chinese Herbs

  20. 中医中药治疗婴幼儿重症肺炎

    Treatment of severe pneumonia in infants and young children with Chinese traditional medicine

  21. 中医中药在东南亚的传播和影响

    The Spread and Influence of Chinese Traditional Medical Science and Herb in Southeast Asia

  22. 中医中药在澳大利亚

    The Survey of Development Of TCM in Australia

  23. 为用中医中药治疗神经损伤提供了科学依据。

    This study could offer a scientific basis for TCM treatment of nerve injury .

  24. 中医中药治疗病态窦房结综合征&附一例病案讨论

    Sick Sinus Syndrome Treated with Traditional Chinese Medicine & With Discussion on a Case Record

  25. 生存率作为金标准,这对中医中药来说有其特定的价值。

    Survival rate is the golden standard .

  26. 中医中药对消渴病性肾病的辨证施治

    Treatment of Diabetic Nephropathy with TCM Based on an Overall Analysis of Sign and Symptoms

  27. 中医中药和民族医药相结合在癌症治疗中的应用

    Application of the Combination of TCM with Traditional Minority Medicine in the Treatment of Cancer

  28. 并从其中筛选出只涉及中医中药专方治疗消化性溃疡的文献。

    And in one screen only involved Chinese medicine designed the treatment of peptic ulcer literature .

  29. 以体现中医中药控制哮喘复发的优越性。3、开展哮喘患者经治疗后生存质量的调查,与西药对照组作比较。

    Chinese medicine to control asthma in order to reflect the superiority of recurrence . 3 .

  30. 中医中药治疗。

    Therapy of traditional Chinese medicine .