
  • 网络Muscular power;muscle power;skeletal muscular power
  1. 骨骼肌肉机能状况包括肌肉力量、肌肉耐力、肌肉爆发力以及柔韧性。

    Musculoskeletal fitness includes muscular strength , muscular endurance , muscular power , and flexibility .

  2. 超等长练习是一种发展肌肉爆发力的有效练习方法。

    Super-equal-length exercise is a method that can develop muscle strength quite effectively .

  3. 发展肌肉爆发力的超负荷训练法研究

    The Study on Overloading Train in Developing Muscular Breakout

  4. 韧带拉伸练习对肌肉爆发力的影响

    The Effect of Stretching on Power Perfomance

  5. 得出结论:亚高原训练能明显改善运动员的有氧能力和肌肉爆发力。

    Conclusion : Asian plateau training can significantly improve the athletes aerobic capacity and muscle explosive .

  6. 发展肌肉爆发力的生物力学分析

    Biomechanics Analysis of Developing Muscle Strength

  7. 身体机能和身体素质指数不及格比例较高,特别是反映下肢肌肉爆发力的立定跳远成绩不及格率达到34.6%;

    The ratio of physical function and physical quality was very low . 34.6 % of the students could not pass the standing long jump .

  8. 所以在平时的身体素质训练中,更应该注重网球运动员心肺耐力训练和全身肌肉爆发力、肌肉耐力的训练。

    So in the usual physical quality training , should notice more tennis player and cardiopulmonary function training muscles strength , muscular endurance training . 4 .

  9. 通过对发展爆发力的生理学机制的探讨,笔者认为,最大负荷+最快速度的爆发力组合练习是发展肌肉爆发力的最佳方法。

    Through analyzing the physiological mechanism of developing explosive force , the conclusion can be obtained that the combining training of maximal load and fast - speed exercise was the best way to develop explosive force .

  10. Wingate方法更多地反映了ATP-CP系统的供能能力,纵跳法更多地反映了肌肉的爆发力和ATP-CP系统的快速可用性。

    Wingate method reflected the capacity of energy power of ATP-CP system , and deep jumping more reflected the muscle 's explosive force and quickly utilization of ATP-CP.

  11. 还有一个结果是:肌肉的爆发力亦显著降低——最高可达2.8%。

    And as a result , they found , explosive muscular performance also drops off significantly , by as much as 2.8 percent .

  12. 选材指标中,韩国重视派生指数,重视背部肌肉的爆发力,对青少年的心理素质提出了更高的要求。

    Selection index , South Korea pay attention to the back muscles and derived index of the explosive force , the psychological quality of teenagers put forward higher requirement . 2 .

  13. 从而网球教练员在平时的教学和训练实践过程中,除加强各项身体素质训练外,更应注重这两块肌肉的爆发力和耐力训练。

    Thus tennis coaches in the usual teaching and training practice , in addition to strengthen the physical quality training , more should pay attention to these two pieces of muscle power and endurance training . 2 .

  14. 马尔科维奇教授说:当然,新研究的结果主要适用于那些参加需要肌肉有强度和爆发力的比赛、而非耐力比赛的人们。

    Of course , the new studies ' findings primarily apply to people participating in events that require strength and explosive power , more so than endurance .

  15. 马尔科维奇教授说:当然,新研究的结果主要适用于那些参加需要肌肉有强度和爆发力的比赛、而非耐力比赛的人们。不过有些研究也支持静态拉伸不利于长跑和远距离自行车运动的说法。

    Of course , the new studies ' findings primarily apply to people participating in events that require strength and explosive power , more so than endurance . But " some research speaks in favor " of static stretching impairing performance in distance running and cycling , Dr. Markovic said .