
  1. 独特的SPF25防晒配方,能有效隔离UVA和UVB紫外线的伤害,抵抗自由基对皮肤的侵害,防止肌肤老化和晒黑。

    Adopts unique SPF25 sunblock formula , can effectively isolate UVA and UVB ultraviolet harm to the skin , resist free radical , prevent skin aging and tan .

  2. 功效:采用最新抗老化成分-艾地苯Idebenone,是目前效果最好的抗氧化剂,可以减缓肌肤老化迹象、减少细纹与皱纹、增加皮肤的含水量;

    Efficacy : Adopting the latest anti-aging ingredient , namely idebenone the best antioxidant by far , it can alleviate skin aging , reduce fine wrinkles and wrinkles , and increase skin water content ;

  3. 这是自然环境作用于肌肤老化的第一天敌。

    This is the number one environmental cause of skin aging .

  4. 具有抗氧化功能,可抵御自由基所造成的肌肤老化。

    The anti-oxidizing function can prevent the aging of skin caused by free radical .

  5. 主要功效:有效改善黑眼圈、眼袋和眼皱,长期使用可预防肌肤老化。

    Functiions : Effectively removing black rim of eye , eye bag and eye wrinkle , By long .

  6. 蕴含天然玫瑰果精华,有效延缓眼部肌肤老化,抚平幼纹,保持肌肤的紧致张力。

    Plenty of nourishing essences can completely nourish eye skin with complete treatment , and keep skin young and lustrous .

  7. 它还可以帮助对抗肌肤老化,因为你保持皮肤白皙和没有皱纹。

    It also helps against aging as you retain the fair complexion as well as your skin does not shrink .

  8. 我们知道斑的形成是由于细胞被氧化,细胞被氧化后产生色斑,加速肌肤老化。

    As you know , brown spots are caused by oxidation , cells become oxidised and this creates brown spots and the aging process goes faster .

  9. 具有卓越护眼功效的玫瑰果精华,有效改善眼部肌肤老化,减轻眼袋、眼皱纹,恢复眼部肌肤紧致张力,充满弹性。

    Rose hips essence with excellent eye care effect can powerfully relieve ageing skin , eye bags and wrinkles , strengthen eye skin firmness and tension .

  10. 在防止胶原蛋白氧化的研究方面,富士有着很长的历史,而胶原蛋白氧化是胶片褪色和肌肤老化的原因。

    Fujifilm has a long history of research into preventing the oxidisation of collagen , which is the cause both of the discolouration of film and the ageing of skin .

  11. 20几岁怎样抗肌肤老化杰西卡询问抗老化问题:对我来说,保持我的肌肤细腻且没有皱纹的最好办法似乎是尽力抵抗老化,而不是去尝试着返老还童。

    Jessica 's asking about aging : It seems to me that the best way to keep my skin looking great and wrinkle-free would be to prevent as much aging as possible , as opposed to trying to reverse the process when I 'm older .

  12. 紫外线会使你的肌肤加速老化,让你长皱纹。

    Ultraviolet rays will make your skin age faster , and make you grow wrinkles .

  13. 你肌肤抗老化的秘密你想要知道那些被证实有用的方法吗?

    The Anti-Aging Secrets for your Skin You want to know what 's been proven to work ?

  14. 但是,我的皮肤开始变得松弛,还出现了皱纹。阮莳芳又接着换其他的传统药物来吃,肌肤迅速老化的问题却没有得到解决。

    However , my skin began to sag and fold . ' Mrs Nguyen then took another kind of traditional medicine to treat her rapid-aging skin problem - but to no avail .

  15. 矿物油还会减缓皮肤运行功能,影响正常的细胞生长,造成肌肤的提早老化。

    It also slows down skin function and normal cell development , resulting in premature aging of the skin .

  16. 有点松弛的肌肤可以敷抗老化面膜。

    A little the flaccid flesh may spread the anti-aged facial mask .

  17. 利用渗透的原理,除皱面膜的滋养成分能渗进肌肤内层,去除老化的细胞,加速新成代谢,再生新的肤质,提供肌肤所需的滋养及保湿成分。

    Using the science of trans-dermal * patches , Nouvisage goes deep into the skin layers to exfoliate * dead skin cells , help promote the growth of new skin , moisturizes and nourishes the skin right where you need it .

  18. 本修肤养肤化妆品是针对损伤性肌肤,病态性肌肤及老化性肌肤所研发的中药化妆品。

    This skin repairing and nourishing cosmetics is a kind of Chinese medicine cosmetics proper for those damaged skin , sick skin and aged skin .

  19. 柔白抚纹:红酒多酚具有保护肌肤功能,维持肌肤弹力,延缓老化现象。

    Anti-Wrinkle with Whitening Effects : Red Wine Polyphenol protects cell functions , maintains skin tension and delays aging processes .

  20. 独特配方让眼部肌肤立即呈现光彩、平滑。天然玫瑰果精华有效延缓眼部肌肤老化,减淡黑眼圈、眼袋、眼皱纹。

    Make eye skin bright and smooth with unique formula , natural rose hips essence can effectively delay ageing , fade dark circle , eye bags and wrinkles .

  21. 功效:蕴含丰富的橄榄油精华、小麦胚芽油、玫瑰果油和胶原蛋白,深入肌肤底层、修护并促进细胞的再生,高效滋养、延缓肌肤老化。

    Efficiency : Richly contain olive oil essence , wheat germ oil , rose hips oil and collagen , penetrate into deep skin , repair cells , promote cells regeneration , powerfully nourish skin and delay ageing .

  22. 鲜果复合精华:为肌肤补充日常更新所需的各种营养成分,舒缓肌肤压力,缓解老化现象。

    Efficiency : ◆ Fresh fruit compound essence : Replenish nutrition for regenerating cells , relieve ageing skin . ◆ Ginseng essence : Effectively supply nutrition and water for skin ;