
rén shēng
  • voice
人声 [rén shēng]
  • [voice] 人类在说话、歌唱、哭泣或喊叫时发出的声音

  • 远处传来人声

人声[rén shēng]
  1. 如果车开得太快,会有一个合成人声告诉司机减速。

    If the vehicle is going too fast , a synthesised voice tells the driver to slow down .

  2. 你进入驾驶室,对着GPS导航仪说出你的目的地,就会有数字化模拟人声简单明了地给你指明路线…21世纪的生活真是让我们尝遍了甜头。

    You can hop into your car and shout your destination at your GPS navigation system , and a digitized and disembodied voice issues easy-to-follow directions . We have it pretty sweet here in the 21st century .

  3. 没有人声称对爆炸事件负责。

    Nobody has claimed responsibility for the bombing .

  4. 其他人声称爱尔兰最精髓的东西是通过语言表现出来的。

    Others claim that Ireland 's very essence is expressed through the language .

  5. 周围人声嘈杂。

    All around was bubbling a cacophony of voices .

  6. 那些渴望改革的人声称现有的体制过于狭隘。

    Those anxious for reform say that the present system is too narrow .

  7. 远处传来人声。

    Voices came from afar . ; Voices were heard in the distance .

  8. 在今年的“开放中创新”大会上,一家公司展示了一种新的语音技术,能够产生以假乱真的人声,能够通话并预定房间

    At this year 's I / O Conference , a company showed a new voice technology able to produce such a convincing human-sounding voice that it was able to speak to a receptionist and book a reservation without detection .

  9. 电影卡拉OK的英文movieoke是movie和karaoke两词的合成形式,卡拉OK现在已是经典的娱乐方式,业余歌手们跟着无人声演唱版本的流行歌曲伴奏引吭高歌。

    This term combines movie with karaoke , that now classic entertainment form in which amateur crooners sing along to vocal-less versions of popular songs .

  10. 人声嘈杂,锣鼓不停地大响特响

    People shouted , while the drums and . cymbals crashed incessantly .

  11. 某些人声称码头工人工会是走私集团的掩护所。

    Some claimed that the docker 's union fronted for the smuggling ring .

  12. 基于SVM的非特定人声调识别的研究

    Study of speaker-independent tone recognition based on support vector machine

  13. 把自己的音乐与更多人分享。RED的曲风主要是摇滚乐和金属乐,以强劲的音乐节奏、辽亮的人声为歌曲主要的元素。

    Genre of RED is mainly rock and metal , with strong rhythm and powerful vocal as the main composing elements .

  14. 回到Linux首次出现的时候,许多人声称它与商业无关,因为不能用它赚钱。

    Back when Linux was first showed up , many people claimed it would be commercially irrelevant because there was no way to make money on it .

  15. 这就是人声识别在VDR中起到的作用。

    This is the role Man-voice Recognition played in VDR .

  16. 基于GMM和概率修正码本的源-目标说话人声门波转换

    Glottal Flow Transformation from Source Speaker to Target Speaker Based on GMM and Probability Correct Codebook

  17. 一些人声称已看到了复苏的萌芽,而在其他人比如我的同事马丁沃尔夫(MartinWolf)看来,前方的复苏之路仍漫长而痛苦。

    While some claim to see green shoots , others such as my colleague Martin Wolf see a slow and painful process ahead .

  18. 基于Legendre正交分解的源-目标说话人声门波导数转换

    Glottal Flow Derivative Conversion from Source Speaker to Target Speaker Based on Legendre Orthogonal Decomposition

  19. 研究发现,VDR的人声识别归根结底是语音信号处理的一个应用技术。

    During the research , it is found that VDR Man-voice Recognition technology is one of voice signal processing applications .

  20. 线声源的号筒设计,高效的喇叭单元,精确的相位校正使3S还原出清晰的人声和通透的中频。

    Real line-source horn design , high efficient transducers housed by smart enclosure , together with sophisticatedly verified phase , 3S system delivers a clean in vocal and transparent in mid-range .

  21. 例如你在一个小的人声上加入比较长的pre-delay,你可以获得一个紧凑的MIX以及让人声更清晰,而且还能让人声变大。

    For example you can get a tighter mix and also help the text be much clearer using a long pre-delay on a small voice .

  22. 看看这个:根据数字媒体公司CaptivateNetwork的最新调查显示,约20%的白领工人说公司的工作效率在暖和的月份大跌,19%的人声称连出勤率也下降了。

    Consider : about 20 % of white-collar workers say their productivity takes a dive in the warm months , and 19 % say attendance drops off , according to a recent survey by digital media company captivate network .

  23. 在中国东部的江苏省省会南京市,一名老妇人声称她在上公车时被一名要下车的通勤小伙子PengYu撞到。

    In Nanjing , capital of east China 's Jiangsu Province , an elderly woman claimed she was knocked over while trying to board a bus by fellow commuter Peng Yu as he was getting off .

  24. Acappella是一种演唱方式,个人或者组合不需要乐器伴奏,单纯用人声演唱。

    Kevin : A cappella is kind of music that solo or group singing without instrumental sound , all vocal performance .

  25. 独立摇滚乐队theverse的最初于成立于99年,04年形成稳定阵容,今年扩充为12人Funk阵容,包括管乐和人声的丰富层次,多次在大型舞台上展现了Funk音乐的动感魅力。

    The individual rock band The Verse first founded in1999 and had reach to a stable lineup in2004.In this year , they expanded their band to12 people , including Orchestral Music and vocal .

  26. 有人声称他渎职,因为他未能阻止遭受巨亏的保险巨擘美国国际集团(AIG)发放奖金,该公司接受了逾1700亿美元的纳税人资金,从中拿出1.65亿美元为高管发放奖金。

    Some allege he slipped up when he failed to prevent AIG , the bleeding insurance giant , from paying out $ 165m in bonuses to executives from the more than $ 170bn it has received in taxpayer funds .

  27. Questlove领导整个乐队的表演,他称半场秀是“dope”(活跃气氛).随后汀布莱克解释道他们是如何从Prince的生前录音带中取得“实际人声”配合他《PurpleRain》的演出。

    Questlove , who leads the show 's band , called the halftime show " dope . " Timberlake then explained how they managed to get " actual vocal stems " from Prince 's archives along with uncut footage from the singer 's performance in Purple Rain .

  28. 谷歌旗下的人工智能公司DeepMind近日研制出了一种新型语音合成系统,该技术可以让如Siri和Cortana这样的计算机合成语音听起来更接近真实人声。

    Google 's DeepMind have revealed a new speech synthesis generator that will be used to help computer voices , like Siri and Cortana , sound more human .

  29. 中国餐馆综合症是流行用语,指有些人声称的在进食了含增强鲜味的味精(monsodiumglutamate,或简称MSG)之后所产生的过敏或不良反应。味精被广泛用于食品加工,也被添加到许多亚洲菜肴中。

    Chinese restaurant syndrome is the popular slang for allergies or adverse reactions that some people claim they get after eating food containing the flavour-enhancer monsodium glutamate , or MSG , that is widely used in many processed foods and also added to many Asian dishes .

  30. 目前还没有人声称为这次袭击负责,但是Burt表示,发动袭击的可能与六个月前在英国驻也门大使馆进行自杀式袭击的是同一个组织。

    No one has taken responsibility for the attack , but Burt says it is likely to be the same group that carried out a suicide attack against the British ambassador in Yemen six months ago . The Yemen wing of al-Qaida claimed responsibility for that attack .