
  • 网络artificial channel
  1. 人工航道对波浪传播规律的影响

    Effect of artificial navigation channels on wave propagation

  2. 当人工深水航道工程超过引航员视觉极限距离(10km)时,由于被引航船舶的超大型及能见度不良的天气多次出现,按传统方法引航已无法保障船舶在狭窄水道中安全通航。

    When artificial deep water channel engineering exceeds the limited distance of pilot 's vision ( 10 km ), the piloting with traditional method can not ensure navigational safety in narrow waterway for very large ships or in the case of bad weather of low visibility .

  3. 由于航道自身条件的复杂性和计算过程涉及的众多参数,导致人工计算航道通过能力的工作繁复且易出错。

    Because of the complexity of the channel condition and calculation process involves many parameters , the artificial calculation of channel capacity is a heavy , complicated and error-prone job .

  4. 人工变形在航道整治试验中的应用

    Application of Manual Adjustment to the Test of Channel Regulation

  5. 水路运输,是指通过江、河、湖、川等天然、人工水道或海洋航道运送货物或旅客的运输业务。

    Water transportation refers to the transportation business of carrying cargoes or passengers through rivers , lakes and streams and other natural and artificial water courses or sea lanes .