
  • 网络shipping agency;shipping agent;ship agent
  1. 大连中海船代发展战略研究

    Research on Strategy of China Shipping Agency Dalian Co. , Ltd

  2. 市场准入的放松,使得我国船代市场竞争越来越激烈。

    The relax in market access made international shipping agency market of china more competitive .

  3. 特别是自我国加入WTO以后,我国船代企业的数量增幅很大。入围500大:中国企业的光荣与梦想

    The quantity of vessel - agency enterprises increased obviously after China 's entry into WTO . Entry into Fortune 500

  4. X航运企业欲借此机遇,逆风险而上,将自身由船代企业发展为船务企业。

    ⅹ shipping enterprise to take this opportunity , inverse risk and on their own by ship generation enterprise development for shipping enterprises .

  5. 同时,作为服务业的船代业的营销策略与一般有形产品的营销策略又有很大区别。

    At the same time , ship agency as a service industry is different in marketing strategies with common products industry .

  6. 通过对船代市场竞争格局的剖析,探索了广州港船代企业的生存空间和发展前景。

    By analyzing the competition pattern in the market , it explores the potential for the agencies ' future survival and expansion .

  7. 放开货代、船代,允许多家经营,鼓励竞争,以提高服务质量。

    Free up cargo agencies and shipping agencies , allow more managers , and encourage competition in order to improve service quality .

  8. 同时受到全球性金融危机的影响,导致了作为贸易链下游的船代企业承受着更大的压力。

    At the same time , the global financial crisis also resulted in greater pressure as the lower reaches of the chain .

  9. 同时,笔者还就深圳船代薪资状况中存在的其它问题进行了分析,并提供了进一步改善的建议。

    In the mean time , the author also discussed other problems remained in the compensation system of the business and provided further suggestions for improvement .

  10. 第三章结合目前广州港船代需方市场的现状及其发展趋势,着重确定广州港船代企业发展所面临的困难或障碍。

    Concerning the current market of ship agency and its future development , Chapter 3 ascertains the main difficulties or barriers faced by ship agencies in Guangzhou port .

  11. 公司与国内外多家港口货代、船代、船公司建立了协作关系,形成了较为完整的国际货运网络。

    Ocean Transportation : YiKai has established cloth relations with cargo service agents at port , shipping agents , shipping companies and has formed a complete international network .

  12. 最后,围绕四大营销策略,即产品策略、价格策略、分销渠道策略、促销策略,提出了大连中海船代特殊的营销策略。

    Finally , based on four marketing strategies ( product strategy , price strategy , place strategy , promotion strategy ), put forward the special strategies about our company .

  13. 当前船舶代理市场中各船代企业的竞争越来越激烈,如果要在船舶代理的市场上维持企业生存,获得可持续发展,船舶代理企业提高企业的竞争力。

    Current shipping agency market , increasing competition , to gain a firm foothold on the ship agent to obtain sustainable development , shipping agency business must have a super-competitive .

  14. 对货主、货代、物流公司、船东、船代及航运公司等供需信息分析后,明晰了物流、航运部门同这一创新平台的信息流动机制。

    After analyzing the supply and demand information of shippers , freight forwarders , logistics companies and shippers , the information flow mechanism between logistics , shipping companies and the platform are clarified .

  15. 船代业的竞争是服务水平的竞争,即通过各种市场营销策略组合,保持现有顾客,并进一步吸引潜在顾客。

    The competition in ship agency is the competition of service standard . That is , through the integration of all kinds of marketing strategies , maintain the present customers and attract potential customers .

  16. 船舶代理市场管制放开后,天津地区先后成立数十家船代企业,像天津外轮代理有限公司这样的老牌航运物流企业面临着巨大的竞争威胁。

    Along with the government control on shipping agency disappeared , dozens of shipping companies were founded , therefore the old shipping and logistic company such as China Ocean Shipping Agency Tianjin is facing tremendous competition .

  17. 此外,在政府和行业管理部门对企业市场准入、调控和安全监督等与企业相交叉方面也进行论述。对运输企业和船代公司开展水路油品运输具有指导意义。

    Besides , it concerns on several relative aspects of enterprise market access conditions , control and security supervision from government and industry management departments , which has guided significance for transport enterprise and ship companies to realize security of domestic oil water transportation .