
chuán fū
  • boatman;crew;boat hand
船夫 [chuán fū]
  • [boatman] 在木船上工作的人

船夫[chuán fū]
  1. 船夫拒绝划船把他送回去。

    The boatman refused to row him back .

  2. 一个楚国人向船夫学习驾船。

    A man of Chu learned to steer1 the boat from a boatman .

  3. 船夫选择的路线会随水位的变化而有所不同。

    The route that the boatmen choose varies according to the water level .

  4. 船夫们一边划桨一边喊号子。

    The boatmen accompany the stroke of their oars with the sound of their voices .

  5. 刚开始的时候,无论是进退快慢还是左右旋转,他都非常认真的尊从船夫的指挥。

    At the beginning , he followed the boatman 's instruction carefully , no matter whether it was to go ahead or back , turn left or right .

  6. 就在这时,小船忽然翻了,船夫问学者:“你会游水吗?”学者喘着气说:“不会啊。”船夫说:“那你的一生就全完啦。”

    Just then the boat suddenly tipped over . The boatman asked : " Can you swim ? " The scholor said , gasping for breath : " No. " " Then your whole life is gone , " said the boatman .

  7. 一天,楚国人自己驾船在水流平缓的地带试了一下,发现达到了得心应手的熟练程度,于是,他辞去了教他的船夫,驾着船直冲激流险滩。

    One day , he had a try to steer the boat in slow current by himself , and found that he could steer the boat with ease . So he dismissed the boatman , and steered2 the boat directly to the rip current .

  8. 冒…险Don'triskyourhealth.不要拿你的健康冒险。船夫愿冒险渡他们过江。

    The boatman was willing to risk ferrying them across .

  9. 隔壁的布拉诺岛年轻人装扮成刚朵拉船(Gondola)的船夫,用桑德拉船(Sandolo)将游客从汽轮摆渡到岛上的村子来。

    Young men from Burano , the next island , dress up as gondoliers and ferry tourists from the steamer to the village in sandolos .

  10. 太可惜了,因为我也住在船夫。

    That 's too bad because I 'm at the boatman .

  11. 听呀,有人在浅滩上喊船夫呢。

    Listen , someone is shouting for the boatman at the ford .

  12. 我遇到了那位船夫,他将我渡到对岸。

    I met the boatman who then took me across the ferry .

  13. 当他叫声刚完,那对面的船夫就摇着船过来了。

    As his voice ended , the ferryman came to fetch them .

  14. 船夫拿起了篙子,把船撑离了岸。

    The boatman took up the pole and shoved the boat off .

  15. 说道船夫那段儿了吗?

    Has it got to that part with the boatman ?

  16. 当时,我们就象船夫一样呆在一艘货船的顶部。

    We were like the boat people on top of a cargo ship .

  17. 船夫是个年轻英俊的壮小伙。

    The boatman was a strong handsome young guy .

  18. 其他船夫,他们让我在这儿候着,但是没有游客来.

    The other gondolieri , they put me here , but nobody visit .

  19. 船夫说你们俩经常一起坐船

    The boatman says you took a boat together ,

  20. 平底船船夫摇平底船的人船夫们还在安放行李。

    The boatmen were still arranging the luggage .

  21. 呵,船夫,你要收费!

    O ferryman , you want your fee !

  22. 船夫们穿着白绿两色的制服,胸前别着银质徽章。

    The gondoliers wore green and white livery and silver plaques on their chests .

  23. 从那些划着船,运送着忙于自拍的情侣的船夫口中,你仍能听到零星的威尼斯方言。

    Snippets of Venetian dialect can still be heard between the gondoliers rowing selfie-snapping couples .

  24. 船夫说他们关系很好

    The boatman said they were friendly .

  25. 那个船夫性格不太好。

    That gondolier is a bad character .

  26. 船夫们弓身划桨。

    The boatmen bent to their oars .

  27. 小艇已经放到水上,艇里有四个船夫和一个舵手。

    The gig was already lowered , and in it were four oarsmen and a coxswain .

  28. 船夫关了马达,我们看到这些家伙旁若无人,连皮带肉地大嚼水果。

    The boatman stopped the motor and we watched the animal nonchalantly munch on the husky fruit .

  29. 老船夫只好郁闷地回到家,翠翠问他,他也没说起什么。

    Lao Chuanfu had depressed way home , Tracy asked him , he did not mention anything .

  30. 船夫们还在安放行李。船工把桨放进水中。

    The boatmen were still arranging the luggage . The boatman let fall the oars into the water .