
chuán bó suó yǒu rén
  • shipowner;owner
  1. 通常,一个船公司是不可能有大量的流动资金用来购置一艘船,因此船舶所有人急需要向银行或其他资本市场借入资金。

    Usually , a ship company can ? T afford to buy a ship with its current funds , so the shipowner needs to borrow money form the banks or other capital markets .

  2. 国际油污赔偿基金对船舶所有人的补偿

    Indemnity Payable to the Shipowner by the FUND for Oil Pollution Damage

  3. 论船舶所有人的识别

    On the identification of the ownership of ships

  4. 对船舶所有人的罚款,最高额为人民币十万元。

    The maximum amount of a fine on a shipowner is 100,000 RMB yuan .

  5. 违反船舶所有人、经营人和船舶安全营运管理秩序;

    Those against the administration of vessel owners , operators , and safe vessel operations ;

  6. 论船舶所有人责任限制

    On Limitation of Liabilities of a Shipowner

  7. 船长与船舶所有人之间的法律关系,在大陆法系国家与英美法系国家之间存在差别。

    It is the legal relationship of labor if the shipowner is an enterprise in China .

  8. 由船舶所有人承担风险

    At ship owner 's risk

  9. 内河航行船舶所有人责任限制公约议定书

    Protocol to the Convention relating to the Limitation of the Liability of Owners of Inland Navigation Vessels

  10. 2舱二层甲板及其舱口盖进行有限元强度分析,最后得到结构的许用载荷值,并与船舶所有人提供的原始值进行比较。

    The permissive load is obtained finally and further compared with the value provided by the shipowner .

  11. 本公约不得影响船舶所有人对第三方任何追索权。

    Nothing in this Convention shall prejudice any right of recourse of the owner against third parties .

  12. 美国船舶所有人协会

    Association of American Ship Owners

  13. 第十二条船舶所有人或者船舶所有人授权的人可以设定船舶抵押权。

    Article 12 The owner of a ship or those authorized thereby may establish the mortgage of the ship .

  14. 前款所称的船舶所有人,包括船舶承租人和船舶经营人。

    The shipowners referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include the charterer and the operator of a ship .

  15. “承运人”:包括与托运人签订运输合同的船舶所有人或承租人。

    " Carrier " includes the owner or the charterer who enters into a contract of carriage with a shipper .

  16. 在任何情况下,被告人有权要求船舶所有人参加诉讼。

    The defendant shall in any event have the right to require the owner to be joined in the proceedings .

  17. 不得要求船舶所有人就不符合本公约规定的污染损害作出赔偿。

    No claim for compensation for pollution damage shall be made against the owner otherwise than in accordance with this convention .

  18. 不得就本公约规定的或其他的污染损害向船舶所有人的工作人员或代理人提出赔偿。

    No claim for pollution damage under this Convention or otherwise may be made against the servants or agents of the owner .

  19. 本条规定不影响船舶所有人对其他被救助方的追偿权。

    Nothing in this Article shall affect the right of recourse on the part of the shipowner against any other parties salved .

  20. 原船舶所有人应当向原船舶登记机关办理船舶所有权注销登记。

    The original shipowner shall undergo formalities for cancellation of registration of the ship 's ownership at the original ship registration authorities .

  21. 在下一个港口开航前,船舶所有人应当指派新船长接任。

    Before the ship sails from its next port of call , the shipowner shall appoint a new Master to take command .

  22. 本部分首先从最初的起源入手,其后着重介绍了《1957年船舶所有人责任限制公约》和《1976年海事索赔责任限制公约》。

    This part use the method of contrast to analyze the The1957 Convention and The1976 Convention , the international conventions and homeland legislation .

  23. 海事赔偿责任限制程序是保障船舶所有人等实现其海事赔偿责任限制权利的法定手续,改进和完善海事赔偿责任限制程序有利于更好的保护其权益。

    The procedure of limitation of liability for maritime claims is a legal procedure to protecting the legal rights of the person liable .

  24. 伪造、变造船舶所有人、经营人安全营运与防污染管理体系审核的符合证明;

    Forging or altering the certificates of conformity with safe operations and with the pollution prevention system of the vessel owner or operator ;

  25. 海事赔偿责任限制制度是保护船舶所有人等海事责任人利益的重要制度,它将海事责任人在一次事故中的赔偿责任限制在一定额度之内。

    Limitation of liability for maritime claims is important to the responsible party including the owner of the ship in a maritime accident .

  26. 泄漏油船舶所有人支付超出自己应赔偿的数额,有权向其他泄漏油船舶所有人追偿。

    Where any owner pays more than the payable amount , it has the right of recourse against the owners of other vessels involved .

  27. 船舶所有人和船籍港由原“天津远洋公司”和“天津”变更为现在的“育才船务公司”和“大连”。

    The ship 's owner and port of registry changed from previous Tianjin Ocean Shipping Company and Tianjin to present Yucai Shipping Company and Dalian .

  28. ①近些年来,越来越多的国家为了满足船舶所有人融资的需要,在法律中确立了建造中船舶的抵押制度。

    Recently , in order to meet the owners'need of financing , more and more countries establish the mortgage system for the vessels under construction .

  29. 未取得船舶所有人、经营人安全营运与防污染管理体系符合证明从事航行或其他有关活动;

    Engaging in navigation or other relevant activities without obtaining the certificates of conformity with safe operations and of conformity with the pollution prevention system ;

  30. 船舶所有人对光租船船舶保险赔偿的请求权及其诉讼时效的法律适用

    Shipowner 's right of claim for the insurance payment of compensation of bareboat chartered ship and the law application regarding the time bar of such claim