
chuán shànɡ jiāo huò
  • free on board ;ex-ship
  1. 请关于船上交货和到岸价格基础报给你的价格。

    Please Quote your prices on both FOB and CIF Basis .

  2. 启运口岸船上交货价格

    Free on Board ( FOB ) port of shipment price

  3. 咱们谈谈船上交货条款下的装运问题好吗?

    Let 's have a word about shipment under FOB term , shall we ?

  4. 这是我们的装运港船上交货的价格单。

    Here is our f.o.b. price list .

  5. 根据船上交货条款,卖方需要将货品运送到买家指定的船只。

    FOB terms require the seller to deliver goods on a ship named by the buyer .

  6. 现在货物已在发运途中,按贵方要求在旧金山船上交货。

    The merchandise is on its way to you , as request , fob san francisco .

  7. 起运港船上交货价格

    Free on board harbor

  8. 在船上交货条款下,订舱由买方安排而不是由卖方安排。

    Under fob term , instead of the seller , it is the buyer who will arrange for the shipping space .

  9. 既然您选择船上交货条件,那你们买方要租船订舱。

    Since you take delivery under for terms , your buyers are to charter a ship and book the shipping space .

  10. 买卖规定为船上交货,故风险在卖方所在国便转给了卖方。

    The sale was f.o.b. so that the transfer of risks to the Buyer took place in ( the country of Seller ) .

  11. 因为此笔交易是以装运港船上交货价格成交,你方必须在横滨将货物装上我方指定的船只。

    Since this transaction is based on FOB loading port basis , you should ship the goods on board vessel we designated in Yokohama .

  12. 如果属岸上购物并由旅行人在远离海关关卡提货时(如船上交货)

    If the goods ate purchased onshore But will be collected by the traveller Beyond the customs Barrier ( e. g . if delivered to a ship )

  13. 《装运港船上交货》是指当货物在指定装运港越过船舷时,卖方即履行了交货义务。

    Free on Board > means that the seller fulfils his obligation to deliver when the goods have passed over the ship 's rail at the named port of shipment .

  14. 都是在东部港口的船上的交货价。

    They are all fob prices on East port .

  15. 该术语适用于各种运输方式,但当货物在目的港船上或码头交货时,应使用DES或DEQ术语。

    This term may be used irrespective of the mode of transport But when delivery is to take place in the port of destination on Board the vessel or on the quay ( wharf ), the DES or DEQ terms should be used .

  16. 贵方如能在二十四小时内寄出订单,本公司就以船上交货价条件交货。船公司应为客船、客货船和渡船配备专(兼)职环保监督管理员

    Delivery can be made free on board and your order dispatched within 24 hours . " A shipping company shall provide each passenger vessel , passenger / cargo vessel and ferryboat with a full-time or part-time environmental protection inspector ,"