
  • 网络marine steam turbine;marine turbine
  1. 船用汽轮机的突发高幅低频振动问题

    On Suddenly Occurred High Amplitude Low Frequency Vibration Problem of Marine Steam Turbine

  2. 船用汽轮机带冠叶片动力特性研究

    A Study of the Dynamic Characteristics of Marine Steam Turbine Shrouded Blades

  3. 介绍了某船用汽轮机减速器壳体的镗孔方法。

    Introducing a boring method of a ship used decelerator casing .

  4. 船用汽轮机变工况超临界与超流问题的研究

    Research on the Overcritical and Overflow at Variable Conditions of Marine Steam Turbine

  5. 为船用汽轮机设计提供理论支撑。

    It provides theoretical support for marine turbine design .

  6. 船用汽轮机高压转子动态应力场计算

    Evaluation of Transient Temperature and Stress Fields for Marine High-Pressure Steam Turbine Rotor

  7. 船用汽轮机冷态启动过程中热膨胀的研究

    A Study of Thermal Expansion in the Cold-state Startup Process of a Marine Steam Turbine

  8. 主要对可能用于船用汽轮机减速箱运行状态监测方法及相应的状态特征提取技术进行了分析,给出了一个一般的状态监测处理流程。

    At first monitoring methods and feature extracting techniques are analyzed . A generic monitoring flaw is presented .

  9. 某船用汽轮机短座阀流量与提升力特性数值模拟计算

    Numerical Simulation Calculation of the Flow Rate and Lifting Force Characteristics of a Marine Steam Turbine Short-seat Valve

  10. 本文对船用汽轮机减速箱运行状态监测方法进行了探讨。

    This paper describes the study of monitoring methods suitable for condition monitoring of gear-reducer of shipboard steam-turbine .

  11. 船用汽轮机转子作为汽轮机做功的主要部件,易发生故障。

    The marine turbine rotor is the main work component of a turbine , and it has faults easily .

  12. 船用汽轮机除湿级带冠叶片振动特性及寿命分析

    An Analysis of the Vibration Characteristics and Service Life of Shrouded Blades for the Wetness Removal Stage of a Marine Steam Turbine

  13. 在船用汽轮机热力计算的变工况计算中,经常出现超临界工况及超流工况。

    In the variable conditions calculation of thermodynamic calculation for marine steam turbine , it is often for overcritical conditions and overflow conditions to occur .

  14. 转子-轴承系统是船用汽轮机的核心部件,合理的临界转速分布可以使汽轮机转子在运行过程中避开临界转速,避免发生共振。

    Rotor-bearing system is the core component of marine steam turbine ; turbine rotor is able to avoid resonance vibration and the critical speed with the reasonable distribution of the critical speeds .

  15. 本文基于顺算法的原则,对上述两种工况进行研究,在充分依据热力学原理的基础上,在国内首次提出了对船用汽轮机变工况计算广泛适用的处理方法。

    With the sequence algorithm principles and on the basis of thermodynamic theory , this paper conducts researches on above two conditions and proposes the commonly applicable method for variable condition calculation of marine steam turbine for the first time in China .

  16. 本文对某短座阀在试验研究的基础上进行了数值计算分析:通过气动试验,得到某船用汽轮机短座阀的流量系数与提升力系数曲线簇;

    Based on the experimental study of a short-seat valve the authors have performed a numerical calculation and analysis . Through aerodynamic tests a group of curves was obtained for the flow rate and lifting force coefficients of a marine steam turbine short-seat valve .

  17. 建立了适合船用核汽轮机装置实时仿真分析计算的两相流仿真模型。

    A two-phase flow simulation model for marine nuclear steam turbine plant is established in the paper .

  18. 该文归纳和分析了船用辅汽轮机试验和运行中所发生的常见故障,阐述了船用辅汽轮机设备的若干例故障模式的表现特征、原因和处理方法。

    In this paper , the common failures that often occur in tests and operation of marine auxiliary steam turbine are summarized and analyzed , and the phenomena , causes and trouble shooting measures of a few examples of failure modes in marine auxiliary steam turbine are presented .

  19. 船用锅炉与汽轮机动态仿真及控制方法研究船用汽轮发电机组振动偏大问题的处理

    Dynamic Simulation and Research on Control Method of Marine Boiler-Turbine Unit ; Vibration reduction of small turbogenerator

  20. 对于汽轮机的实时仿真研究多集中于电站或电厂汽轮机,针对船用核动力汽轮机的仿真研究为数极少。

    Simulation on steam turbine focus on steam turbine of power station or power plant , while little attention paid on marine nuclear-powered steam turbine .

  21. 船用齿轮传动式汽轮机

    Geared marine steam turbine