
chuán mó
  • ship model
船模[chuán mó]
  1. 然而目前不论从理论还是当今普遍采用的船模在水池的试验方法尚不能很好解决这些问题。

    At present , neither theory nor ship model test in the tank widely used today can not solve these problems effectively .

  2. 介绍一个建于船模试验拖曳水池中的直推式16摇板电液伺服控制造波机和波浪模拟方法及其计算机控制。

    An introduction of a 16 channels electro-hydraulic servo control wave maker constructed in a ship model testing towing tunk . the sea wave simulation method and it 's computer control .

  3. 他们打算花些时间在溪流里放船模。。

    They 'll spend some time floating boats in the creek .

  4. 荷兰船模水池B系列螺旋桨新旧图谱的比较

    Comparing of new and old spectrum of B-series propellers of Netherlands Ship Model Basin

  5. 基于DSP运动控制卡的船模数控系统开发

    Developing of Ship Model CNC System Based on DSP Motion Control Board

  6. 基于DSP的船模数控切削系统的研究

    Research on the NC Cutting System of Ship Models Based on DSP

  7. 小尺度船模Z型试验数据的计算机分析

    The computer analysis on data from small scale ship model experiment TESTING

  8. 基于UG二次开发船模数控加工机的研究

    The Research of Ship Model Numerical Control Machine Bask on UG Secondary Development

  9. 水面船模阻力、兴波CFD不确定度分析

    Numerical uncertainty analysis for the prediction of resistance and wave profile of a surface ship model

  10. 本文以Taylor级数展开法表示非线性横摇阻尼模型的一般表达式,依据船模强制横摇的实验结果,提出了一套较完整的非线性阻尼模型辨识技术。

    In this paper , the general expression of nonlinear damping model cansed by roll motion is described by taylor series expension method .

  11. 本论文的研究对用计算流体动力学(CFD)方法预报船舶的水动力性能以及指导船模试验有一定的实用价值。

    The research of the thesis is helpful to the prediction for hydrodynamic performance of the ship and the guidance for ship model experimentation .

  12. 带轴系附体船模与相应裸体船模的1+k之差,乘以足足CF后,可认为是轴系附体的粘性阻力系数。

    The difference in 1 + K between models with shaft appendage and their corresponding naked hulls , when multiplied by full-scale CF , can be regarded as viscous resistance coefficient of shaft appendage .

  13. 本文主要根据上海交通大学水池近几年船模试验研究的结果,初步总结了CB约为0.8的丰满船船首形状对静水阻力的影响。

    Based on the research results through model tests in the Shanghai Jiao-tung University during past several years , the influence of bow shape on the calm water resistance of full ship forms with block coefficients around 0.8 is investigated .

  14. 首先介绍了一套多CCD的船模自动测控系统,对电视图像船模自动识别与跟踪等关键技术进行了详细的讨论。

    First , this paper introduces a multi-CCD camera system of auto-measuring and controlling ship model , and discusses its key techniques such as the modification of TV image deformation , auto-detecting and tracking etc .

  15. 船模试验数据分析DAST程序设计

    A DAST Programming for the Analysis of Ship Model Test Data

  16. 文中还对该船模的形状因子(1+K)、佛鲁德数(Fr)以及破水阻力(R)进行了不确定度分析,并给出了分析的结果。

    At the same time , the uncertainty analysis of the form factor ( 1 + k ), Froude number Fr and the break water resistance of this ship model is also analyzed and the analysis results are given .

  17. 针对木质船模精加工和发动机整体叶轮的五轴加工规划了加工工艺,并应用专用软件进行后置处理,对生成的NC代码进行速度规划,最后进行了实验验证。

    The five-axis machining process of wooden ship model and engine impeller are planned . Using the dedicated five-axis CNC machine tool post-processing software we generate NC codes and schedule the federate . Experimental verification is finished at last .

  18. 论文的最后以自行设计的舰船模型为算例,利用ANSYS软件的有限元分析以及实验手段,对安装在船模上的浮筏系统的隔振特性进行了研究。

    Finally , a ship model equipped with a floating raft is designed . The finite element analysis is carried out with ANSYS software plus the experiment , the performance of vibration isolation system equipped with the floating raft installation is investigated .

  19. 随着Fr增大,波高随之增大,而且波浪与船模纵轴之间的夹角减小,波峰位置在横向远离船模。

    With the increase of Froude number the height of waves increases , and the angle between the wave and longitudinal axis of model decreases , the wave crests move further from the model in the lateral direction .

  20. 近年来交大船模试验池发展了一种JDC三叶调距桨系列,该系列包括盘面比为0.35、0.50及0.65三组螺旋桨。

    Recently a JDC three bladed cpp series with expanded area ratio 0.35, 0.50 and 0.65 was developed in the ship model towing tank of Shanghai Chiao-Tung University .

  21. S-175集装箱船舶波浪载荷的船模试验与线性切片理论计算的比较

    Model tests of S-175 container ship on wave loads and comparisons between experiments and calculations of linear strip theory

  22. 近年来,应用CFD技术数值模拟约束船模试验的粘性流动,计算操纵运动水动力及水动力导数的数值方法已经有了重大发展,为船舶操纵性预报研究开辟了一条新途径。

    During the last years , numerical methods using CFD technique to numerically simulate the viscous flow of captive model test and to determine the hydrodynamic forces and hydrodynamic derivatives of ship maneuvering motion already have significant development . They have provided a new way for predicting ship maneuverability .

  23. 主要结论是:由15届ITTC方法得出的总阻力系数的均方差较Prohaska方法为小,又较接近于用几何相似船模方法得出的结果。

    The main conclusion is that the total resistance coefficient deduced by the 15th ITTC method has smaller standard deviation than that given by Prohaska 's method and is nearer to that obtained from the method of geosims .

  24. 目标的检测和跟踪在通航船模试验中的应用

    Application of Object Detection and Tracking in Navigable Ship Model Test

  25. 通航河流上桥渡工程船模航行试验

    Navigation test of ship model for bridge project over navigable river

  26. 最优试验计划及在船模实验中的应用

    Optimum test design and its application for ship model hydrodynamic experiments

  27. 船模试验数据分析与处理软件开发

    Development of data analysis and processing program for ship mode experiment

  28. 船模快速性试验的分析计算系统及其应用

    A Computer Program System for Powering Performance Prediction and Its Application

  29. 船模摩擦阻力的一种测试方法及结果

    A Testing Method and Results of Friction Resistance of Ship Model

  30. 变态船模与实船的相似性问题探讨

    Discussion on Similarities between Abnormal Ship Model and Real Ship