
  • 网络Memory leak
  1. 还解决了几个主要的service服务的内存泄漏问题。

    I resolved the memory leak problem of several main service programs .

  2. 内存泄漏是C程序中常见的错误。

    Memory leak is a common kind of error in C language programs .

  3. 一般来说,浏览器的内存泄漏对于web应用程序来说并不是什么问题。

    Generally , browser memory leaks are not an issue for web applications .

  4. 内存泄漏通常出现在Java集合类中。

    When leaks occur , they typically occur within Java collection classes .

  5. 确定Java内存泄漏的根源需要以下两个步骤

    Identifying the root cause of a Java memory leak requires two steps

  6. 客户报告在运行他的应用程序(假设是C应用程序)时出现了一个内存泄漏问题。

    The customer has reported a memory leak while running his application ( assume a C application ) .

  7. ElectricFence的另一个功能就是能够检测内存泄漏。

    Electric Fence can detect memory leaks as another feature .

  8. 如果condition为真,简单使用自动运行时工具不能检测发生的内存泄漏。

    Superficial use of automatic run-time tools doesn 't detect the memory leak that occurs if the case condition is true .

  9. 在Java应用程序中导致内存泄漏的常见原因

    Common causes for memory leaks in Java applications

  10. 什么是Java中的内存泄漏?

    What is a memory leak in Java ?

  11. 在Java中,当对象被不适当地引用时,内存泄漏时常发生。

    Memory leaks often occur in Java when objects hold on to references inappropriately .

  12. 在使用C语言时,您是否对花时间调试指针和内存泄漏问题感到厌倦?

    When working with C , are you tired of spending time debugging problems with pointers and memory leaks ?

  13. 第一阶段是轻量级内存泄漏检测机制,运行于生产WebSphereApplicationServer运行时中。

    The first stage is a lightweight memory leak detection mechanism running within the production WebSphere Application Server runtime .

  14. Java程序内存泄漏综述

    Overviews on Memory Leak in Java Program

  15. Linux下面向函数的动态内存泄漏监测

    Function Oriented Memory Leak Detection Under Linux Operating System

  16. 关于JAVA语言内存泄漏问题的探讨

    Research of Memory Leak in JAVA

  17. 目前,市场上提供两种Java内存泄漏检测工具。

    There are two kinds of Java memory leak detection tools currently available on the market .

  18. 这种类型的内存泄漏称为Java堆内存泄漏。

    This type of a memory leak is referred to as a Java heap memory leak .

  19. WebSphereExtendedDeployment提供了许多配置内存泄漏检测的策略。

    WebSphere Extended Deployment provides a number of policies that configure memory leak detection .

  20. WebSphereApplicationServer将内存泄漏的检测和分析看作两个不同的问题,并使用两个相关但又相互独立的解决方案来加以解决。

    WebSphere Application Server has identified detection and analysis of memory leaks as two different problems with related but independent solutions .

  21. 关于Java的内存泄漏

    Memory leakage about Java

  22. 不朽内存泄漏是RTJava应用程序中的常见错误源头。

    Immortal memory leaks are a common source of errors in RT Java applications .

  23. WebSphereApplicationServer中的轻量级内存泄漏检测是为了在测试和生产环境中提供内存问题的早期检测而设计的。

    Lightweight memory leak detection in WebSphere Application Server is designed to provide early detection of memory problems in test and production environments .

  24. 因此,此问题的根源就是由于Java堆被占用而造成本机内存泄漏。

    Thus , this problem was manifesting as a native memory leak with the root cause in the Java heap .

  25. 对于任何使用C语言的人,如果问他们C语言的最大烦恼是什么,其中许多人可能会回答说是指针和内存泄漏。

    Ask anybody working with C what bothers them the most about C , and many of them will probably answer Pointers and memory leaks .

  26. 持有对不再需要的对象的引用是Java应用程序中产生内存泄漏的最普遍原因。

    Holding references to objects that are no longer required is the most common cause of memory leaks in Java applications .

  27. 优化一些经常使用的CM服务器代码路径,以提高性能、可靠性以修复内存泄漏问题

    Optimized some heavily used CM Server code paths to improve performance , reliability and to fix memory leaks

  28. Ajax技术引入后,内存泄漏就成了一个比较严重的问题。

    Memory leaks became more of a problem when the Ajax technology was introduced .

  29. 对于一个遇到内存泄漏的系统管理员来说,承载着大量第三方应用程序的WebSphereApplicationServer就像是一个黑盒。

    To a system administrator encountering a memory leak , a WebSphere Application Server hosting a number of third party applications is like a black box .

  30. HealthCenter是一个宝贵的开发工具,它能帮助您消除性能问题、内存泄漏和低效代码,避免问题出现在生产阶段。

    The Health Center is a valuable development tool that helps you iron out performance issues , memory leaks , and inefficient code before problems surface in production .