
nèi mó cā jiǎo
  • internal friction angle;angle of internal friction
  1. 与工程勘察选取的参数相比:内聚力C值增加7.2%,内摩擦角φ值在水上部分增加28.3%,在水下部分增加29.2%。

    The result is more close to the fact . The compare as the follows : the cohesion C is increased 7.2 % , angle of internal friction is increased 28.3 % above the ground water and 29.2 % .

  2. 基于Mohr-Coulomb理论,采用无侧限抗压和间接抗拉强度对混合料的内聚力和内摩擦角进行计算。

    Basing Mohr-Coulomb theory , indirect tension and unconfined compression were used to calculate the cohesion and angle of internal friction of both mixes .

  3. C和φ(滑动面的内聚力和内摩擦角);

    C and ( cohesive force and interior friction angle of slide surfaces );

  4. 结果表明:所给出的非线性动力学模型计算得到的微结构孔隙分布分维值Ds、粘聚力c和内摩擦角?

    The researched results show that the calculated curves of pore distribution fractal dimension of micro-structure , cohesive force c and internal friction angle ?

  5. 土壤-根茬复合体其抗剪强度τ与剪切面上的法向压应力σ成正比,复合体土壤凝聚力C比无根土壤增加115%~205%;内摩擦角φ增加11%~15%。

    The coherence force C and the inner friction angle of composite increase 115 % - 205 % and 11 % ~ 15 % respectively more than that of no rootstalk soil .

  6. 通过对滑坡灾害影响参数的敏感性分析,计算成果表明,稳定系数对内摩擦角的反应比对内聚力的反应灵敏得多。稳定系数随φ的增长率约是随C增长率的2倍。

    By sensitivity analysis of influence parameters of stability coefficient , this result can be gained , which is internal friction angle is more sensitive than cohesion to stability coefficient of landslide .

  7. 研究中引进当量动内摩擦角φe和当量动内摩擦系数tgφe概念,从而使抛物线破坏准则方程与线性破坏准则方程在形式趋于一致。

    Equivalent angle φ e and coefficient tg φ e of dynamic internal friction are derived in this paper , so the parabola failure criterion equation formally coincides with the linear one .

  8. 文章利用有限差分程序FLAC,定量化讨论了边坡岩体(软岩)的变形模量、泊松比、密度、粘聚力、内摩擦角、边坡高度等参数对软岩边坡变形的影响。

    Using the difference code of FLAC , this paper discussed the relationship between soft rock mass parameters and slope deformation .

  9. 通过对杭州湾海底浅层粉土动强度的研究,发现动强度指标内摩擦角Cd为静强度的39.7%左右,同时动强度与固结比Kc、振动频率f关系密切。

    Through research on dynamic strength characteristics of silt in shallow layers of Hangzhou bay , we find that the inter frictional angle of dynamic strength is about 39.7 % on static strength 's.

  10. 回填土坡比减小时,边墩和底板位移有减小的趋势,但是变化比较小;土体强度参数粘聚力C和内摩擦角φ与边墩应力位移之间均存在很强的相关关系。

    As the backfill rate decreases , the displacements of side piers and bottom slap both have a trend of the decreasing , but the change is very slight ; there are strong contacts between the cohesive force of soil C and internal friction angle ?

  11. 通过直接剪切试验,获取了淤泥EPS颗粒混合轻质土的抗剪强度参数,即粘聚力与内摩擦角。

    As to this type of lightweight soil , direct shear test is used to study the influencing factors of cement content , EPS beads content and curing time on the shear parameters .

  12. Fmax随着城市固体废弃物内摩擦角φsw的增加逐渐增大,而Fmin随着内摩擦角φsw的增大并不改变;

    Fmax increased with the increasing of internal friction angle of municipal solid waste φ sw , however , Fmin remained constant .

  13. 在此基础上,分析了影响黄土高边坡稳定性的因素,包括土体的容重γ、粘聚力c、内摩擦角φ、孔隙水压力比γu,地震烈度,边坡坡比和边坡高度H。

    The factors , such as volumetric weight , the cohesion , the friction angle , the pore pressure ratio , earthquake intensity , slope ratio and the height of slope , which control and affect the stability of loess high slope were analyzed .

  14. 三轴剪切试验结果表明,沙棘、沙柳须根的加筋作用使沙土的粘聚力c值提高了2.5~4.0倍,使粘性土的粘聚力c值及内摩擦角φ值均增加0.25~0.40倍。

    The triaxial shearing test showed that the cohesion of sand reinforced with the fibre of sand thorn or sand willow was increased by 2.5 ~ 4 times ; the cohesion and the angle of internal friction were increased by 0.25 ~ 0.40 times for the reinforced clay soil .

  15. 水泥添加量、EPS颗粒添加量和龄期对内摩擦角的影响不显著,淤泥EPS颗粒混合轻质土的内摩擦角总体分布在20~°35°之间。

    The factors of cement content , EPS beads content and curing time have little influence on the internal friction angle , the internal friction angles of tested samples totally lie between 20 and 35 degree .

  16. 采用正交实验方法设计计算方案,对影响围岩稳定性的内在物理力学参数(弹性模量E、泊松比μ、粘结力C、密度ρ以及内摩擦角φ)的灵敏度进行了有限元数值模拟分析。

    With mathematical statistics method to design computer model and analyze the results of numerical simulation , the sensitivity of rock mass mechanics parameters ( elastic modulus E , Poisson ratio μ, cohesive force C , density ρ and friction angle φ ) influencing stope stability is studied .

  17. 通过对密实砂土进行一系列三轴排水压缩试验,探讨了砂土的峰值内摩擦角φmax和剩余内摩擦角φres随应力水平的变化规律。

    Based on a series of drained triaxial compression tests , that the peak friction angle ( φ max ) and the residual friction angle ( φ res ) of sand change with stress level was investigated .

  18. 通过对触探曲线上的特征值与土力学参数之间的关系进行分析发现,无量纲锥头阻力系数和tanφ(φ为土的内摩擦角)成近似的线性关系。

    The relation between the characteristic values of penetration curve and soil mechanics parameters was analyzed . It is found that the dimensionless cone resistance factor is linear with tan φ where φ is the internal friction angle of soil .

  19. 分析了不同加载方向海冰峰值剪切强度的差异,获得-62℃温度下S2冰内摩擦角和内聚力分别为42°和700kPa。

    The differences among peak shear strengths in three directions are analyzed . Test results show the angle of internal friction is 42 ° and cohesion is 700 kPa in ice temperature - 6.2 ℃ .

  20. 运用三轴试验以及离心试验结果,从数值上计算并分析了土的内摩擦角对承载力因数Ny的影响;

    Using the triaxial test data and the centrifuge test results , quantitative estimation and analysis of the effect of soil friction angle on the bearing capacity factor ( ) has been presented .

  21. 当平均法向应力σ≤6MPa时,冻结砂土抗剪强度近似服从库仑定律,此时粘聚力和内摩擦角随温度的降低而线性增大;

    When the average normal stress σ _3 < 6 MPa , the shear stress strength can approximately be expressed by Mohr ′ s law , and the cohesion and internal friction angle linearly increase with decrease of temperature ;

  22. 影响因子对内摩擦角φ的影响大小依次为:不均匀系数Cu>小于0.001mm黏粒含量>天然含水率>干密度>有机质含量>根密度;

    The order of the effects of the influence factors on friction angle is coefficient of uniformity Cu > less than 0.001 mm clay content > natural water content > dry density > organic content > root density ;

  23. 小三轴压缩试验确定内摩擦角的可行性

    Feasibility Analyses of Small-scale Triaxial Test in Measuring Internal Friction Angle

  24. 测定粮食内摩擦角的直剪仪研制

    A direct shear apparatus development for grain internal friction angle measurement

  25. 但土壤碱度对土壤内摩擦角的影响较小。

    The soil ESP influence on soil internal frictional angle is small .

  26. 粘土抗剪强度内摩擦角统计分析

    Statistics Analysis on Friction Angle of Shear Strength for Clay

  27. 节理岩体内摩擦角取值范围的探讨

    Discussion on the estimation of internal friction angle of jointed rock masses

  28. 气流紧实中砂型内摩擦角ψ的变化

    Change in Internal Friction Angle in Molding Sand on Air Flow Press

  29. 等效内摩擦角在挡土墙设计中的应用

    The application of angle of equivalent internal friction in earth-retaining wall design

  30. 土压力计算中综合内摩擦角取值探讨

    Research of the Equivalent Friction Angle for Cohesive Soil