
nèi hào
  • internal friction;exhaustion by internal strife
内耗 [nèi hào]
  • [exhaustion by internal strife;internal friction] 机器或其他装置本身所消耗的没有对外做功的能量;比喻内部消耗,特指因内部纠葛而形成的无谓消耗

内耗[nèi hào]
  1. 用Marx法精确测量内耗和弹性模量时的计算公式

    Formulae for measuring internal friction and modulus by Marx method

  2. 研究表明反常内耗峰(3,P2和P1峰)与倾斜的位错弯结链密切相关。

    The anomalous amplitude-dependent internal friction peaks , P_3 , P_2 and P_1 , are found to be related closely to slant dislocation kink chains .

  3. 这种内耗对SOA非常有害。

    This in-fighting can be very detrimental to SOA .

  4. Marx法中与粘结层流变和开裂有关的非线性内耗现象

    Non-linear internal friction phenomena associated with flowing and cracking of adhesive in Marx method

  5. PD3和PD3RE重轨钢的性能、组织等分布形貌及内耗

    Internal Friction and Profile of Property and Structure of PD_3 and PD_3RE Rail Steels

  6. 热处理制度对Ti(49.2)Ni(50.8)合金内耗性能的影响

    Heating treatment effect on damping capacity of Ti_ ( 49.2 ) Ni_ ( 50.8 ) alloy

  7. 第二章则介绍了课题工作中所使用的三种实验技术:内耗技术、热分析技术和X射线衍射技术。

    Chapter two concerns three experiment technique , internal friction technique , thermal analysis technique and X-ray diffraction technique .

  8. La2NiO(4+δ)体系相分离现象的低频内耗研究

    Phase separation in La_2NiO_ ( 4 + δ) studied by low-frequency internal friction technique

  9. 热处理对喷射共沉积SiCP/6061Al复合材料内耗峰的影响

    Effect of heat treatments on the damping peak of sic_p / 6061al MMC produced by spray codeposition

  10. 稀土Ce对2090铝锂合金晶界内耗的影响

    Effects of Rare Earth Element Cerium on Grain Boundary Internal Friction of 2090 Aluminium Lithium Alloy

  11. 利用强迫振动扭摆方法对ZnAl二元合金熔化过程的低频内耗进行了研究。

    The low-frequency internal friction in Zn-Al binary alloy during the melting process is measured via forced vibration torsional pendulum .

  12. GdBaCo2O(5+δ)体系的滞弹性内耗研究

    Anelastic relaxation of excess oxygen in GdBaCo_2O_ ( 5 + δ) system studied by low-frequency internal friction

  13. 用内耗技术研究La(0.7)Pb(0.3)MnO3巨磁电阻材料

    Properties of La_0.7 Pb_0.3 MnO_3 Colossal Magnetoresistance Material Studied by the Internal Friction Technology

  14. Fe-Al合金中与Al反位置原子弛豫有关的内耗峰

    The internal friction peak correlated to the relaxation of Al antisite atoms in Fe-Al alloy

  15. PZT陶瓷中由氧空位与畴壁相互作用引起的内耗

    Internal friction due to the interaction between oxygen vacancies and domain boundaries in PZT ceramics

  16. 巨磁电阻材料La(0.85)MnO3的低频内耗和电磁性能

    Low frequency internal friction and electromagnetic properties of colossal magnetoresistance material La_ ( 0.85 ) MnO_3

  17. 研究了湿氢处理前、后的Fe及其加Nb,C的合金晶界内耗。

    The internal friction of grain boundaries in 4N iron and ferroalloys added with Nb and C was studied before and after a wet hydrogen treatment .

  18. 由内耗和DSC的观察分析发现:Ce&TZP材料的四方相ZrO2到单斜相ZrO2的转变是可逆的,是典型的马氏体转变。

    From internal friction and DSC , we discovered the phase transformation of Ce-TZP is reversible .

  19. 理论上把内耗和模量变化与玻璃转变过程有机地结合起来。证明了在Tg附近可以出现具有弛豫型特征的内耗降,并在玻璃转变过程中模量明显下降。

    It is found theoretically that the internal friction peak being of relaxation type can appear in the vicinity of T_g and the modulus decrease dramatically during glass transition .

  20. Ce含量高的样品,晶界内耗峰的峰高降低更显著.当电压较大时,疲劳加剧。

    In the samples containing more Ce atoms , this tendency becomes more remarkable . The fatigue becomes more remarkable at higher voltage .

  21. VOx/TiOx/Ti多层薄膜的制备工艺与内耗研究

    Preparation and internal friction of VO_x / TiO_x / Ti multilayer thin films

  22. 纳米SnO2固体的相变内耗和模量

    Internal Friction and Modulus of Phase Transformation in Nano-SnO_2 Solids

  23. 在实验的温度范围内,观察到纵波和横波的内耗QM~(-1)基本相等。

    In the experimental temperature region the internal friction Q_M ~ ( - 1 ) of longitudinal and transverse waves in the samples is almost equivalent .

  24. 低密度TiB2/铝基复合材料的显微组织与内耗性能

    Microstructure and Internal Friction of Low Density TiB_2 / Al Based Composites

  25. Bi(0.8)Pb(0.2)SrCaCuOy超导体中磁通运动引起的内耗峰

    Internal friction peak due to moving flux in bi_ ( 0.8 ) pb_ ( 0.2 ) srcacuoy superconductor

  26. 欠掺杂YBa2Cu3O(7-δ)中相位相干对正常态内耗的影响

    Phase coherence effect on the normal state internal friction in

  27. Zn-Al二元合金熔化过程的低频内耗研究

    Study on the low frequency internal friction in Zn-Al binary alloy during the melting process

  28. Cu-Zn合金马氏体相变中的内耗、电阻与形变

    Internal Friction , Electric Resistance and Shape Change in Cu-Zn Alloy during Martensitic Transformation

  29. 本文选择Cu基形状记忆合金作为研究对象,借助内耗测量手段,对热弹性马氏体相变的机理进行了较为系统的研究。

    Cu-based SMA is selected for studying in this text , and the mechanism of thermoelastic MT is well and systematically studied by means of internal friction ( IF ) measurements .

  30. Pb-Sn合金固-液转变过程的内耗行为

    Internal friction behaviour of the solid-liquid transition in the Pb-Sn alloys