
  1. 任何人除非有合法权限或辩解,否则不得在公众街市内竖设任何构筑物,或放置任何物品或车辆,以致在该街市内造成妨碍。

    Except with lawful authority or excuse , no person shall , in a public market , so erect any structure , or so place any article or vehicle , as to cause obstruction therein .

  2. 任何人不得在私营街市内竖设任何构筑物,或放置任何物品或车辆,以致对该街市内任何拟作公众出入之用的通路或空地造成妨碍。

    No person shall erect any structure or place any article or vehicle in a private market so as to cause thereby obstruction in any passageway or open space therein intended for access by the public .

  3. 卧式油罐的检定精度受到直圆筒内径、顶板、下尺点内竖直径、倾斜度、钢板厚度及罐体内附件的测量数据的影响。

    About horizontal tank , the calibration accuracy will be affected from the internal diameter of straight right cylinder , top plate , total height of dip hatch to tank bottom , degree of dip inclination , thickness of steel plate and measurement data of internal accessories of tank .

  4. 利用钻孔内U型竖埋管的二维稳态传热模型,求出该复合区域内温度场的解析解,以及管壁至钻孔壁之间的传热热阻表达式。

    Based upon the application of two-dimensional model of U-pipe pile , the temperature profile of multi-areas field and the expressions of heat transfer resistance between pipe wall and the borehole wall had been found .

  5. 任何人如拟竖设在任何处所上或内或拟安排在任何处所上或内竖设任何霓虹灯标志、电灯标志或类似的灯光标志,须在竖设该标志前以书面通知消防处处长。

    Every person who proposes to erect or cause to be erected any neon , electric or other similar light sign on or in any premises shall notify the director of fire services in writing before such sign is erected .