
  1. LT-21铝合金堆内挂片腐蚀研究

    Study on Corrosion of LT-21 Aluminium Alloy Samples Hung in Reactor

  2. 房内挂满圣诞饰物。

    The house were festooned with Christmas decorations .

  3. 画廊内挂了三幅通常没有向公众展出过的画。

    In the gallery were hung three paintings not ordinarily displayed for public viewing .

  4. 卧室内挂有网眼窗帘的窗户。

    The lace-curtained window of the bedroom .

  5. 朴素幽暗的店内挂满了腌肉,穿过这香浓的气息,你会发现一个熟食柜台,里面摆放的肉更多。

    Head through the modest and dimly lit space , perfumed by cured meats hanging overhead , and you will find a delicatessen case filled with yet more meat .

  6. 经驯化得到能适应含Cr6+和Zn2+离子的高浓度苯酚废水的功能菌,将其在电生物反应器内挂膜并进行废水处理。

    The functional microorganisms being adaptive high concentration phenol wastewater and containing Cr6 + and Zn2 + were cultured to form biofilm on polypropylene packings in a electro biological reactor .

  7. 采用多种分析检测手段对锌浸出渣挥发窑内挂结的几层窑皮进行测试和化验,确定了其化学成分、物相组成、熔点和黏度等物理化学性质;

    By various means of analysis and test , several layers of sticking kiln crust in zinc leached residue volatility kiln were made clear for their chemical compositions , phase components , and physicochemical properties , such as smelting point , viscosity , etc.

  8. 在螺旋的内墙上挂着八台小电视机。

    Small TV-screens are distributed , hanging along the spiral 's wall .

  9. 坟内满挂着我那些过世恋人的战利品,

    Hung with the trophies of my lovers gone ,

  10. 从侧面的窗户望去,他能够看到他的灰色外衣和内衣裤挂在外面纤细的晾衣绳上。

    Through the side window he could see his gray garments and underwear hanging on a small washing line outside .

  11. 街道上的商店在橱窗内高挂标语,苦苦哀求购物者“只要能够,就买本地的东西”。

    High street shops hang signs in their windows bitterly imploring shoppers to " buy local while you still can " .

  12. 原子作用域内不允许挂起。

    Suspend is not allowed inside an atomic scope .

  13. 最后,依据力的平移定理,在梁高容许范围内变化拉索挂索位置。

    Finally , based on the Theorem of Translation of A Force , the changes of the hanging cable position within the available beam height range .

  14. 隔壁的展览厅内,四壁挂着一匹匹的丝绸,有奢华的天鹅绒、精美的锦缎和娇贵的绉丝,每米售价110欧元至1360欧元(合135美元至1670美元)。

    In the adjoining showroom , walls are lined with bolts of silk , from plush velvets and intricate damasks to diaphanous taffetas , 110 to 1,360 euros ( about $ 135 to $ 1,670 ) per meter .

  15. 在施工现场短时间内可更换或挂接不同的工作装置实现铲运、堆垛、起重、挖掘、钻孔、破碎、松土、开沟、道路清扫和路面压实等作业。

    In the construction site a short time can replace or articulated different work device realize shovel transportation , stacking , lifting , mining , drilling , crushing , loose soil , open ditch , road sweeping and pavement compaction etc homework .

  16. 针对某工程筒仓壁内施工后出现的多种缺陷,介绍了内挂钢筋网片喷射混凝土的施工技术,提出了其质量检验方法,经过施工应用,其筒仓壁质量合格,达到了预期的加固目的。

    According to the defects existed in silo wall the construction technology of shotcrete with interior reinforcing mesh is introduced as well as corresponding quality detection method . Practice shows the application of this method receives anticipated goal .