
  1. 第五届亚洲冬季运动会将于2003年在日本青森市举行。

    Fifth Asian Winter Games in2003 will be held in the city of Aomori in Japan .

  2. 今年亚洲冬季运动会吸引了来自31个国家和地区的约2300名运动员。

    This year 's Asian Winter Games has attracted some 2300 athletes from 31 countries and regions .

  3. 我们的赛事组织能力包括举办亚洲冬季运动会,将为北京2022冬奥会和冬残奥会的圆满成功提供最可靠的保证。

    Our proven event-organizing capability , including holding the Asian Winter Games , will provide a reliable platform for successful winter games .

  4. 自1996年在中国黑龙江省亚布力举行第3届亚洲冬季运动会以后,参加大众高山滑雪的人数至今已达300万人次。

    Since 1996 , Ya Bu-Li , the ski resort , in Hei Long-jiang province , China , hosted the 3rd Asian Winter Games , there has been over 3 millions people taking part in this sport .

  5. 成立于1982年的亚奥理事会负责管理和组织一系列大型综合性体育赛事,包括亚运会、亚洲冬季运动会、亚室武会、亚洲沙滩运动会和亚洲青年运动会。

    Formed in 1982 , the OCA manages and organizes a series of major comprehensive sporting events , including the Asian Games , the Asian Winter Games , the AIMAG , the Asian Beach Games and the Asian Youth Games .