
  • 网络Asian Youth Games;AYG
  1. 亚奥理事会其他大赛还有2009年在曼谷举行的亚洲武术运动会,以及2009年在新加坡举行的亚洲青年运动会。

    Other events from the OCA are the Asian Martial Arts Games held in Bangkok in2009 , and the Asian Youth Games held in Singapore in2009 .

  2. 成立于1982年的亚奥理事会负责管理和组织一系列大型综合性体育赛事,包括亚运会、亚洲冬季运动会、亚室武会、亚洲沙滩运动会和亚洲青年运动会。

    Formed in 1982 , the OCA manages and organizes a series of major comprehensive sporting events , including the Asian Games , the Asian Winter Games , the AIMAG , the Asian Beach Games and the Asian Youth Games .