
  • 网络Post-controlled
  1. 后控词表在文献检索系统中的应用

    The application of post-controlled thesaurus to the document retrieval system

  2. 基于后控技术的中小型竞争情报系统自动标引研究

    Automatic indexing based on post-controlled technology in competitive intelligence system

  3. 基于Internet的汉语后控全文检索系统的研究与开发

    Research and Development of the Post-Control Chinese Free Text Retrieval System on Internet

  4. 结果表明,通过成分调整和合理的轧后控冷,能够用低合金替代传统的V微合金化工艺进行HRB400螺纹钢筋的生产。

    The results show that producing HRB400 reinforced bar can substitute low alloy for conventional V microalloy process by composition adjusting and rational cooling control after rolling .

  5. 重回缩修剪处理中,重剪后控冬梢处理的Z丁/GA。比值比不控处理高,而ABA/!

    The ZT / GA3 ratio in the leaves of trees of heavy retractive pruning + winter flush controlling was higher than those of without winter flush controlling , while the ABA / IAA ratio is reverse .

  6. 以高速线材82B为例,采用有限元方法模拟了其轧后控冷过程中的相转变过程,说明相转变过程计算机模拟研究工作对现场生产的指导意义。

    High speed wire 82B is taken for example to simulate its phase transition course during control cooling after rolling by finite element method . It is explained that computer simulation has conduct significance in site production .

  7. 棒材轧后控冷计算机控制系统

    Computer Control System for the Controlled Cooling of Rod after Rolling

  8. 高碳钢线材轧后控冷过程中温度场数值模拟

    Temperature Simulation of High-Speed Wire during Controlled Cooling Process after Rolling

  9. 螺纹钢筋轧后控冷过程中的数学模型

    Mathematical model of control cooling for screw rod after rolling

  10. 中厚板轧后控冷系统及其应用

    Controlled cooling system after rolling for plate and its application

  11. 一个具体的全文后控检索系统的设计

    Design of a concrete post controlled full text retrieval system

  12. 单汉字检索系统后控词表的改进研究

    Research on the Improvement of the Post controlled Vocabulary Table in SCCRS

  13. 钢筋轧后控冷的神经网络预测模型

    Neural network forecasting model of bar control cooling after rolling

  14. 后控词表研究及统计分析

    Research on Post - controlled Vocabulary and Statistical Analyse

  15. 编制后控词表是实现智能查询的重要环节。

    Designing a post controlled vocabulary is a important step for realizing intelligent querying .

  16. 论文为后控式液压凿岩机冲击机构提供了一套有效的理论和方法,对于指导液压凿岩机冲击机构的设计、制造有着重要意义。

    It is meaningful to designing and manufacturing the impact mechanism of hydraulic drifter .

  17. 后控词表的设计开发与利用

    Design , development and utilization of post-controlled Thesaurus

  18. 微机控制钢筋轧后控冷工艺

    Micro-computer controled cooling process of rolled bar

  19. 结论保留神经膀胱全切盲结肠代膀胱术可以提高术后控尿功能,减少尿失禁发生率。

    Conclusions Nerve sparing cystectomy is associated with improved urinary continence after orthotopic bladder substitution .

  20. 后控规范的计算机处理

    Computer processing of post - control indexing

  21. 75岁以上高龄患者低位直肠癌保肛手术后控便情况分析

    Bowel control of anus-preserving operation for low rectal cancer in elderly patients over 75 years

  22. 文章介绍了圆钢轧后控冷工艺微机系统控制软件的设计方法。

    The software design method for after-rolling cooling control system of round section steel is introduced .

  23. 轧后控冷终冷温度对高强度管线钢屈强比的影响

    Effects of finish rolling temperature on ratio of yield to strength in high strength pipeline steel

  24. 利用轧后控冷手段提高带肋钢筋的表面质量

    Improving the Surface Qualities of the Ribbed Bar By the Method of Control Cooling After Rolling

  25. 基于超文本结构的后控词表管理系统

    Hypertext-based Post-controlled Vocabulary System

  26. 施氮量和花后控水对小麦水分生产效率及产量的影响

    Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate and Water Controlling After Anthesis on Water Production Efficiency and Yield of Winter Wheat

  27. 本文针对轧后控冷中的层流冷却过程,设计并搭建了较为通用可行的实验台。

    In this article , a universal experiment table is designed and built to study the laminar cooling process .

  28. 因此,轧后控冷技术已经成为钢铁工业中最重要的流程之一。

    Therefore , controlled cooling after rolled on the runout table was one of the most important processes in the steel industry .

  29. 为了使特殊教育数据库系统具有较为理想的检索功能,本系统采用了分面分类技术、后控检索技术、超链接技术。

    For enriching the database system of special education with ideal retrieval function , the facet classification , post controlled retrieval and hyper chaining techniques are employed .

  30. 本文将后控词表实现模式分为七类,在分析了各自的原理后,结合实例阐述了词表的实现过程,最后评价了各种模式的特性。

    The paper studies seven typical post - controlled vocabulary models , analyzes their basic principles , oudines their process procedures with examples and evaluates their performance .