
  1. 甲状腺切除术后昂丹司琼、氟哌利多复合地塞米松预防恶心呕吐的效果

    Preventive effect of ondansetron , droperidol combined with dexamethasone on nausea and vomiting after thyroidectomy

  2. 续后,我司为国内知名企业重卡车桥的换代做出了重大贡献,使我们成为最可靠的OEM企业。

    We have made great contribution to China famous auto companies in axle bush upgrated and it makes us the most reliable OEM company .

  3. 蛛网膜下腔注射吗啡与硬膜外腔注射吗啡用于剖宫产术后镇痛阿扎司琼预防鞘内吗啡所致瘙痒的临床观察

    The Study on Postcesarean Analgesia by Intrathecal or Epidural Injection of Morphine

  4. 基础麻醉后行心电监护,硫喷妥钠缓推诱导,暴露声门后静脉注射司可林气管插管,机控呼吸。

    After basic anesthesia , the animals were induced with thiopental and intubation was facilitated with succinylcholine intravenously .

  5. 我的程序后,政务司司长火灾监控出来年前,我有许多的附加功能的要求。

    After my program CS Fire Monitor came out years ago I had many requests for added features .

  6. 完成代表处的注册后,本司可为阁下提供申请居留证的服务。

    When the representative office is finished by us , we can help u apply the resident permit .

  7. 保修期满后,我司可为客户提供续保,享受保修期内的同等服务。

    After the expiry of warranty , we can renewal of the contract , which will enjoy the same service that during the warranty period .

  8. 认证通过后,我司将在次年代客户按认证费申请一定比例的市财政补贴。

    Once the recognition acceptance test is passed , we will try to collect , in the ensuing year , the financial allowance ( by a certain percentage of the application charges ) for the customer .