
  1. 施肥后田面水中TN、TP和DIP可作为稻田N、P流失的主要指标,应着重控制基肥施用后N、P的径流流失,以及追肥施用后尿素的水解速度。

    TN , TP and DIP could be cited as key parameters for N and P runoff loss within 3 days after urea application . A week after fertilization was the critical period for controlling loss of N and P from paddy fields .

  2. 受施肥量和作物生长状况的影响,施基肥后田面水中氮磷的浓度最高。

    Under the impact of fertilization amount and crop growth conditions , the concentrations of N and P were highest after the application of basal fertilizer .

  3. 结果表明,施肥后田水中氮素的浓度有逐日递减的趋势,但各种形态氮素的变化趋势有所不同,铵氮在第二天就减少了75%;

    The result showed that the concentration of nitrogen in the rice field water was decreased day by day after fertilization , however the transformation trend of diversified form of nitrogen was different , for instance , ammonium reduced as much as 75 % on the next day .

  4. 下定决心后,田白天教书、做农活,晚上刻苦学习。

    Once determined , Tian taught and farmed in the daytime and studied hard at night .

  5. 雨水渗透土壤后,田就可以播种了。

    When the rain has all soaked in , the fields will be ready for the seeds .

  6. 不同强度降雨后,田面水中氮磷浓度均随稻田蓄水深度的增加而降低。

    After different intensity of rainfall , the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus decreased gradually according to the depth increasing .

  7. 在下铺上久坐了了一段时间后,田先生站了起来,想要稍微舒展一下双腿。这时,他突然摔倒了,背部立刻感到剧痛。

    When he stood up , trying to stretch his legs a bit after a long spell on the lower bunk , he suddenly fell over and acute pain raced through his back .

  8. 结果:治疗30d后,洼田试验评分与治疗前比较2组均有不同程度改善(P0.01),且观察组疗效更明显(P0.01)。

    Results : Thirty days after treatment , the drinking test scores were improved to varying degrees as compared with those before treatment in the two groups ( P0.01 ) .

  9. 修建后的八卦田在给我们城市增添一个新的风景点的同时,也提供了了解南宋农耕历史的视角。

    While adding a new scenic attraction to our city , the restored Eight-trigram cropland will also offer a view into the agricultural history of the Southern Song dynasty .

  10. 在室内和田间测试了几种杀虫剂对麦蚜、天敌及后茬玉米田主要害虫与天敌种群的影响。

    The effect of several pesticides on wheat aphids and their natural enemies as well as on pests and natural enemies population in maize field was tested indoors and in the field .

  11. 妇女结婚、离婚后,其责任田、口粮田和宅基地等,应当受到保障。

    After marriage or divorce , women 's responsibility farmland , grain ration farmland and housing sites shall be secured .

  12. 亨利一世即位后,随着王田岁入的的折钱征收及王权对国库控制的加强,财政署兴起并取代了国库的地位。

    After it , Treasury and Exchequer were seperated from the Household in order to control finance for the kingship .

  13. 在种植绿肥和施化肥后,新复田土壤熟化度在1年内达到与老复田地(15年)熟化程度同等肥力水平。

    The fertility level of one & year new reclaimed land after green manuring and fertilizing is almost equivalent to that of the fifteen years old reclaimed land .

  14. 组织染色结果显示,激光治疗后与周边太田痣组织相比,色素脱失部位色素颗粒减少,而色素细胞的数量没有明显变化。

    Tissue staining showed that compared to the surrounding Ota tissue , the spot of hypopigmentation has fewer melanin granule , but the melanocytes has no obvious change .

  15. 坡地修成梯田后,因种植田面由坡变平和地埂占地,使种植面积减少;

    When slopeland is improved into terraced field , the plantable area is reduced because of the surface of farmland becoming flat and the land used for constructing earth banks .

  16. 借助反向思维设计的先梳脱籽粒后碎稿回田的联合收获机是一种收获作业效率高、损失低、节能、对作物适应性好的新型收获机械。

    With the help of reverse thinking , designed combine harvester for threshing crops prior to spreading chopped straw on field is a new type harvesting machine with higher efficiency , lower loss rate , economizing on energy and good adaptability for crops .

  17. 研究了在稻田-鱼塘生态系统中,模拟稻田使用溴氰菊酯后遇大雨,田水中残留农药流入鱼塘,对塘内水生生物的危害影响。

    It is studied of the effect of deltamethrin on aquatic organisms in a rice field-fish pond ecosystem , simulation that rainfall event began two hours after deltamethrin was applied to the rice field , and field water was all drained into the pond .

  18. 引种后无论是试验田还是温室大棚长势都比较好,只是在试验田播种的生长较慢,植株低矮,较为壮实,而温室大棚植株高度较高,且较为瘦弱;两者均能正常开花、结果。

    Whether the experimental plots or greenhouse were all growing better , but in the experimental plots sown growth slowly , low and strong . However , in the greenhouse , the plant grown highter but weaker . As a result , both can flower properly .

  19. 封建社会时期,孟子把居者有其屋作为理想国家的重要条件,新中国成立后耕者有其田、居者有其屋更是让人民群众过上了自己当家作主的生活。

    Period of feudal society , Mencius " home ownership " as an important condition of the ideal state , the founding of new China , " land to the tiller , the Home Ownership " is so that the people had on the life of our own house .