
  • 网络Post-crisis Era;post crisis era;post financial crisis era
  1. 然后就后危机时代FMC公司跨国采购所面临的新的挑战和风险做了描述。

    Then describe the new challenges and risks facing the post-crisis era of FMC Corporation International Sourcing .

  2. 随着全球经济形势的好转,G20承担的应对经济危机的任务亦暂时告一段落,关于后危机时代G20发展前景的问题,国际政治经济学者们出现了争论。

    As the world economic situation improved , the task that G20 undertook as tackling economic crisis has temporarily come to an end . Where G20 is heading into in the post-crisis era becomes a new topic . For this issue , the international political economy scholars have disputes .

  3. 当然,对于银行以及家庭来说,后危机时代最重要的事即减少债务,这意味着经济V型的回升几乎不可能。

    To be sure , the post-crisis imperative for banks and households to reduce their debt meant a V-shaped rebound was never on the cards .

  4. 人们不禁会想,就像后危机时代银行业市场的其他宠儿、特别是渣打银行(StandardChartered)和法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)一样,富国银行早就该失宠了。

    It is tempting to think that like the other darlings of the post-crisis banking market , notably Standard Chartered and BNP Paribas it is overdue a fall from grace .

  5. 第二部分阐述云南与东盟最近几年来的总体贸易状况和存在的问题。第三部分,运用SWOT分析法,分析了后危机时代的云南面临的挑战和机遇。

    The second part described the overall trade situation and problems exist in Yunnan and ASEAN trade in recent years . While the third part , use the SWOT analysis method to analysis the challenges and opportunities that Yunnan faced after the financial crisis .

  6. G20作为一种新生的治理模式,需要面对不断变动的全球性问题,制定新的全球议程,处理后危机时代的全球经济再平衡问题。

    As a new mode of governance , G20 should deal with the global problems which emerge from the change of international structure , and establish new agenda , solve the problem of the re-balance of global economy in the post-crisis period .

  7. 后危机时代国际银行业发展趋势研究&兼评2009年1000家大银行排行榜

    The Trend of the International Banking Industry in the Post-Crisis Era

  8. 后危机时代美元地位研判及对策建议

    Analysis of the US dollar 'S status in post-crisis period

  9. 后危机时代的监管现在正处于关键点。

    Post-crisis regulation is at a crucial point right now .

  10. 在目前后危机时代的经济中,希拉里面临截然不同的挑战。

    Mrs Clinton 's challenge in today 's post-meltdown economy is very different .

  11. 但管理后危机时代的公共财政,应当会比歇斯底里者认为的容易得多。

    But managing the post-crisis public finances should be far easier than the hysterics assume .

  12. 后危机时代,全球经济发展呈现出了新的特点,金融危机对中美贸易产生了冲击并对贸易失衡影响因素产生了影响。

    Financial crisis has impacting on China-US trade and influences the factors of bilateral-trade imbalance .

  13. 危机过去一年多,人们开始探讨后危机时代的发展问题。

    Crisis over the past year , people began to explore the development of post-crisis era .

  14. 太多的政策制定和建议没有意识到后危机时代的挑战,更没有给出有效的应对措施。

    Far too much policy making and advice neither recognises the post-crisis challenges nor crafts effective answers .

  15. 这两方面很可能造就了后危机时代更聪明、理性,更有财富管理意识的投资者。

    These two factors may be creating a smarter , savvier , and more self-aware wealthy investor .

  16. 在后危机时代更为荒凉的银行业版图上,高盛等少数猎食者可能会成为赢家。

    In the sparser post-crisis banking landscape , a few carnivores such as Goldman may emerge winners .

  17. 就经常账户所反映出的情况而言,后危机时代的失衡实际上有所缓解。

    In so far as they show up in current accounts , imbalances have actually moderated post-crisis .

  18. 于是,在后危机时代,发展低碳经济成为全球人类的共识。

    Thus , in the post-crisis era , the development of low-carbon economy is a global human consensus .

  19. 后危机时代返乡农民工职业发展通道研究

    Developing the Career Path of Migrant Workers Who Return to Rural Areas in the Hind Financial Crisis Period

  20. 因此在后危机时代,研究中国跨国并购更具有现实意义。

    Therefore , in the post-crisis era , the study of Chinese cross-border M & A more realistic .

  21. 当前,后危机时代已然来到,在这个后危机时代,国际形势仍将纷繁复杂。

    Nowadays , the post-crisis era has already come , during which the international situation will remain complicated .

  22. 人力资本回报、产业升级与中国经济发展方式转变&后危机时代的新思考

    Human Capital Reward , Industrial Structure Upgrading and Chinese Economic Development Mode Transition : Thoughts for Post-Crisis Era

  23. 随着后危机时代的到来,中国高科技企业所面临的发展环境也发生了巨大的变化。

    With the post-crisis era , the Chinese high-tech companies are facing thedevelopment environment has undergone tremendous changes .

  24. 随着金融危机的过去,中国进入了相对平稳的后危机时代。

    With the ride through the global financial crisis , China is sliding into a relatively constant post-crisis era .

  25. 2011年,世界经济全面复苏,进入后危机时代。

    In 2011 , the world economy recovers fully , and we entered into the " post-crisis era " .

  26. 后危机时代,我国经济发展面临前所有的机遇和挑战。

    In the post-crisis era , China is confronted with great opportunities in economic growth , and challenges as well .

  27. 后危机时代中国外贸宏观管理的战略调整:金融经济语境的实证描述

    China Strategic Adjustment in Macro-regulations of External Trade in a Post-crisis World : Empirical Description in the Context of Financial Economy

  28. 只要全球最具活力的经济体仍扮演全球最大资本输出国的角色,后危机时代的世界经济就无法有效运转。

    The post-crisis world economy will not work so long as its most dynamic economy is also its largest capital exporter .

  29. 后危机时代全球经济利益再平衡,负债消费型增长模式和生产过剩型增长模式都被迫调整。

    The rebalance of post-crisis economic interests , the growth mode of debt-financed consumption and of overproduction all have to be adjusted .

  30. 在需求方面,部分压力来自后危机时代的监管规定,这些规定强令金融机构购买本国政府债券。

    On the demand side , the pressure stems partly from post-crisis regulation that forces financial institutions to buy domestic government bonds .