
  • 网络Post treatment agent;infiltrant
  1. SLS快速原型件后处理剂的制备与应用

    Preparation and Application of Post-treatment Agent for Antetype Pieces of Selective Laser Sintering

  2. 用聚丙烯酸(PAA)和其它有机化合物复配,得到一种新型磷化后处理剂(CH41)。

    When polyacrylic acid , a polyelectrolyte , mixed with certain other organic compounds , a novel post-treatment agent ( CH41 ) is obtained .

  3. 用聚电解质代替铬盐作磷化后处理剂的研究

    Research on the polyelectrolyte used as Post-Treatment Agent instead of Chromic Compounds

  4. 氟化物及后处理剂系列产品30余种,为中国的服装业、涂料业带来突破性升级。

    There are30 kinds of fluorides and post-treatment agents , which upgrade the costume and coating industry in China radically .

  5. 结果表明,粘土胶粒经磁处理后吸附处理剂的量增加。利用热力学理论解释了吸附量增加的内在因素,提出磁处理使钻井液体系熵减小的理论。

    It is shown that magnetization can increase the adsorption of mud additive on clay , the entropy of adsorption process after magnetization is decreased .

  6. 在纺织工业中,PAM作为织物后处理的上浆剂、整理剂,可以生成柔顺、防皱、耐霉菌的保护层。

    In the textile industry , PAM takes the fabric post-processing the starching agent , the finishing agent , may produce , the crease-resist , bear the mold mild-mannered the protector .

  7. 探讨了加入催化剂、高温后处理、交联剂用量及PU与P(MMA-BMA)的质量比对PU/P(MMA-BMA)IPN聚合物阻尼性能的影响。

    Effects of catalyst , final treatment at high temperature , dosage of crosslinking agent and mass ratio of PU to P ( MMA-BMA ) on damping property of the polymer were investigated .

  8. 莠去津即使浓度在1g/l时,仍会对杨树幼苗产生极强的抑制作用,所以在速生杨圃地除草时,应避免作为苗后茎叶处理剂使用。

    Atrazine can strongly inhibit poplar seedling even if concentration is lg / 1 , so we should avoid using it as treatment solvent to stem and leaf after seedling in instant poplar nursery .

  9. 船舶碰撞后的处理经还原剂处理后。

    After treated by reducing agent , the conductivity of polypyrrole decreases by seven orders of magnitude .

  10. 钍-铀燃料后处理中新萃取剂的研究&Ⅱ.亚砜类的研究及其结构与性能的关系

    The studies on novel extractants in reprocessing of spent thorium-uranium fuel I . Sulfoxides and their structure and extracting ability

  11. 分子烙印聚合物作为高效毛细管电泳添加剂的研究分子烙印聚合物作超临界流体萃取后处理用固体吸附剂

    Molecular Imprinted Polymer Used as An Additive for High Performance Capillary Electrophoresis A Study of Molecular Imprinted Polymer as the Adsorbent in the Clean-up Step after Supercritical Fluid Extraction