
  1. 沃尔特·柯尼说,他过去后儿子已经被证实是自杀的。

    " I went to the site ," Walter Koenig said , adding that 's when he discovered his son had committed suicide .

  2. 父亲死后,儿子就成了这个家庭的主心骨。

    After the father 's death the son became the mainstay of the family .

  3. 一个小时后,儿子拿着空篮子回来,告诉父亲用篮子装水是不可能的。

    An hour later , the son came back with the empty basket and told his father it was impossible to hold water with the basket .

  4. 希斯克利夫回来后把儿子送到楼上的床上。

    Heathcliff returned and sent his son upstairs to bed .

  5. 她丈夫去世后,儿子成了她的精神支柱

    After her husband 's death , her son became an anchor to her

  6. 回家后,儿子又问了同样的问题。

    Back home , he raised the same question .

  7. 每次我收到信后我儿子就用水把邮票弄湿揭下来。

    My son soaks the stamp off each time when I reveive a letter .

  8. 这个医生希望自己退休后,儿子能够子承父业。

    The doctor wanted his son to take over his practice when he retired .

  9. 卡米拉结婚五个月后,儿子汤姆·帕克也结了婚。

    Tom Parker Bowles was also married this year , five months after his mother .

  10. 你知道我出狱后我儿子说的第一句话吗?

    You know the first thing my son said to me when I got out ?

  11. 她就照此做了,三个月后她的儿子开始说话然后慢慢变的正常了。

    She did and three months later her son started to speak and slowly became normal .

  12. 若干年后,儿子成就了一番事业,把辉煌的歌声传遍了整个世界。

    Several years later , he established his own career and conveyed his beautiful songs around the world .

  13. 父亲死后,儿子发现那口旧坩埚里藏着一个小包裹,上面写着他的名字。

    Upon the father 's death , the son found hidden inside the old cooking pot a small package bearing his name .

  14. 结交了几个新朋友后,儿子欢天喜地的骑着车回到家,完全没有察觉家中绝望恐慌的气氛。

    He came back cheerfully on his bike having made some new friends and completely oblivious to the desperate panic at home .

  15. 到北京一周后,儿子认真地提出了他的第一个问题:“爸爸,为什么这里的天空没有小鸟?”

    After arriving in Beijing for one week , Chris raised his first serious question ," daddy , why there are no birds in the sky ?"

  16. 坚持不懈地努力了十年后,他的儿子终于当选了。

    His son finally got in after ten years'continuous effort .

  17. 老国王死后,他儿子统治这个王国。

    After the old king died , his son ruled over the kingdom .

  18. 三年后,我儿子希望能获得律师的资格。

    At the end of three years , my son hopes to qualify as a lawyer .

  19. 他的办公桌后有他儿子的照片。

    He had a picture of his kid behind the desk .

  20. 琼斯先生退休后,他的儿子将继承他的事业。

    Then Mr Jones retires , his son will step into his shoes .

  21. 农夫死后财产为儿子们所分。

    The farmer 's property was apportioned among his sons after his death .

  22. 经过近5年的囚禁生活后他们的儿子鲍威正在返家途中。

    After nearly five years in captivity their son Bowe is coming home .

  23. 一年后他们的儿子杰特出世,2000年他们又有了女儿埃拉布勒。

    Their son Jett arrived the following year , daughter Ella Bleu in2000 .

  24. 他在系列赛第一场后把他儿子带离球队。

    He took his kid off the team after game one of the series .

  25. 他死后只给儿子留下一身债。

    He left his son nothing but debts .

  26. 那个有钱人死后给他儿子留下大笔的钱。

    The fat cat died and left his son a big sum of money .

  27. When,.他退休后,他儿子将替代他的职位。

    he retires his son will fill his shoes

  28. 她还想托付他在她死后照顾她的儿子林顿。

    She also wanted him to take care of her son Linton after her death .

  29. 1965年他去世后,他的儿子继承了家族传统继续表演魔术。

    After his death in1965 , his son inherited the family tradition continues to perform magic .

  30. 二十年后,他的儿子作了同样的选择,局面又恢复了老样子。

    Twenty years later his son made the same choice and the wheel came full circle .