
  • 网络fermented tea
  1. 由于这个原因,一般就忽略了普洱茶这“绿茶”的一面,而将之归类于“后发酵茶”。

    For this reason , the " green tea " aspect of pu-erh is sometimes ignored , and the tea is regarded solely as a post-fermented product .

  2. 普洱茶是一种具有降脂、减肥、抑菌、抗癌等多种功效的后发酵茶,将其开发为液体茶饮料具有较好的保健价值及市场前景。

    Pu-erh tea is a kind of after-fermentation tea which is of many kinds of health care functions , such as reducing blood lipids , weight loss , anti-microbes and anti-cancer .