
chá ɡuǒ
  • tea and fruits;fruits and cakes taken with tea
  1. 茶果粗脂肪及粗皂甙积累的研究

    Studies on the Accumulation of Crude Fat and Crude Saponin of Tea Fruit

  2. 脱胶方法对普洱茶果油中金属离子浓度影响

    Effect of degumming methods on metal ion concentration in puer tea fruit oil

  3. 茶果(林)复合园的光特征研究

    Light characteristics in tea-fruit tree or-forest complex garden

  4. 茶果复合栽培模式与茶跗线螨为害的关系

    Relationship between tea and fruit trees inter-planting and yellow mite damage in tea fields

  5. 本文报道了茶果在成熟过程中粗皂甙及粗脂肪的积累情况。

    This paper reports the accumulation of crude fat and crude saponin , during the maturingcourse of tea fruit .

  6. 红花油茶果的果皮(干基)中粗蛋白质含量为4.0%,粗纤维为31.1%,茶皂素含量为20.05%;

    C.chekiangoleosa pericarp had4.0 % crude protein , 31.3 % crude fiber , and20.05 % camellia saponin on dry basis .

  7. 当下茶果已撤,贾母命两个老嬷嬷带了黛玉去见两个母舅。

    Now the refreshments were cleared away and the Lady Dowager ordered two nurses to take Daiyu to see her two uncles .

  8. 茶果林地的土壤流失低于作物耕种的2~3倍,而高于自然利用和自然保护的6~12倍。

    Soil erosion of tea and fruit forest is 2 ~ 3 times lower than that of crop cultivation , but 6 ~ 12 times higher than that of natural use and natural protection .

  9. 林业产业的现状主要体现在竹,茶,果,花卉苗木,森林旅游产业等五个方面。

    The status is mainly on five areas : bamboo , tea , fruit , flowers , nursery stock , forest tourism industry .

  10. 并根据当地林、茶、果、桑、药的自然分布状况,结合山区农业气候资源概况,对如何利用山区农业气候资源进行了分析和研究。

    According to agro-climatic features , natural distribution of the forest , tea plant , fruit tree , mulberry tree , medicinal herbs , the paper analyzed and studied how to use the agroclimatic resources in the region .