
  • 网络Tea table;tea-tables;teatable
  1. 他们在茶桌边坐好。

    They took their seats at the tea table .

  2. 既像古典的八仙桌,又是一件十分酷的现代茶桌。

    Since be like classic eight , again is a very cool modern tea table .

  3. 它之所以被称为“hightea”,是因为这顿饭是在一张高餐桌而不是矮茶桌上吃的。

    It was termed " high tea " because it was eaten at a high dining table rather than a low tea table .

  4. 茶桌上放着一套精美的茶具。

    There is an exquisite tea set on the table .

  5. 撤去茶桌之后,他们全部移到一个窗子面前。

    When the tea-table was done with , they all moved to one of the windows .

  6. 我有一个壶嘴;这使我成为茶桌上的皇后。

    I have a spout , and that makes me the queen of the tea table .

  7. 它立在铺好台布的茶桌上,一只非常白嫩的手揭开它的盖子。

    It stood on the table that was prepared for tea and it was lifted up by the most delicate hand .

  8. 手脚灵便的老仆人打开路上用的食品箱,摆好茶桌,端来沸腾的茶炊。

    The old servant was active in unpacking a travelling-case , in setting the tea-table and in bringing in a boiling samovar .

  9. 我那天不可能跟她在茶桌上面对面聊天,即使她从此永远不跟我讲话也不行。

    I couldn 't have talked to her across a tea-table that day if I never talked to her again in this world .

  10. 这件事是城里这块地方家家茶桌上的谈资,无论我到哪里去,总是碰到人们在谈论它。

    It was the chat of the tea-table all over that part of the town , and I met with it wherever I visited .

  11. 她在茶桌旁坐在姐姐身边,眼睛不望他,不乐意地向挨着她坐下来的鲍里斯回答什么话。

    She was sitting by her sister at the tea-table ; she gave reluctant answers to Boris at her side and did not look at him .

  12. 案例一,被告人辩称,放在火车茶桌上的包的主人不在场,而将其拿走。

    Case one : defendant pleads : the host who lay the leather 's wallet on the tea desk in the train was absent , therefore I took the leather 's wallet away .

  13. 萨普特牵着马在等我。几秒钟后我们就已经在回去的路上了。我们一边骑着马,一边大笑。因为我已经和迈克尔公爵的杀手斗了一场,而且只用了一张茶桌!

    Sapt was waiting with the horses and seconds later we were on our way home . And , as we rode , we laughed because I had fought Duke Michael 's dangerous men-with a tea-table !

  14. 6月16日,日本岩手县的一家商场举行了第12届年度世界掀桌大赛,这场离奇的比赛要求参赛者将一个小茶桌掀得越远越好。

    On June 16 , a shopping mall in Japan 's Iwata Prefecture hosted the 12th annual World Chabudai-Gaeshi Tournament , an offbeat competition where participants try to flip a small tea table as far as possible .

  15. 这个有点傻气的比赛是受日本短语chabudaigaeshi的启发,该短语的字面意思是怀着愤怒或沮丧的心情“掀翻茶桌”,用来形象地描述爆发和剧变。

    The silly contest was inspired by the Japanese phrase " chabudai gaeshi " which literally means " upending the tea table " in anger or frustration , and is used to figuratively describe an outburst and upheaval .

  16. 参赛者跪在小茶桌后面,旁边是一位穿着厨师服的老太太,当老太太触碰参赛者的肩,说“别这样”,参赛者就可以掀桌子了。

    Contestants kneel behind the small tea table , next to an elderly woman dressed in cooking garb , and when she touches their shoulder and says " stop it , " that 's when they get to flip out .

  17. 梅格摆茶桌,乔搬木柴并放椅子,却把柴丢落一地,把椅子也打翻,弄得咔嗒直响,贝思在客厅和厨房之间匆匆来回穿梭,忙碌而安静,而艾美则袖手旁观,发号施令。

    Meg arranged the tea table , Jo brought wood and set chairs , dropping , over-turning , and everything she touched . Beth to and fro between parlor kitchen , quiet and busy , while Amy gave directions to everyone , as she sat with her hands folded .

  18. 参赛条件很简单:任何人都可以报名参赛,不论是年幼的孩子还是年迈的老人,参赛者用最大的力气将木头小茶桌掀翻,目标就是让桌子上的假食物飞得越远越好。

    The premise is pretty simple : anyone can sign up for the competition , from young children to the elderly , and the goal is to flip the small wooden tea table as hard as possible to send the fake food on top of it flying as far as possible .