
  • 网络Warm Home;Warm homeland
  1. 往日的田园依旧是今日温馨家园。

    The past country estate is yet their warm homestead today .

  2. 营建温馨家园&昆明市西山住宅小区规划设计

    Building Warm Houses - Kunming Xishan Dwelling District Design

  3. 营造温馨家园

    Construct the Warm and Fragrant Home

  4. 他们所需要的是充足的食物,是温馨的家园。

    You have to buy food , and you need shelter .

  5. 营造大学生温馨的精神家园&结合独立学院大学生心理特点进行思想政治教育的思考

    Create the Comfortable Home of Psycholosy & On the moral education based on psychological characteristics of college students in the affiliated college

  6. 斯洛曼人的兢业精神是坚持不懈的追求完美,为广大客户提供更好的产品和更加贴心的售后服务。尽心为客户创造一个更安全、更温馨的美好家园!

    The dedication spirit of Schloeman people is to persistently pursue for perfection , provide the vast clients with better products and more considerate after-sales service .

  7. 完备的后勤服务及舒适的休息场所,免去了员工的后顾之忧,营造一个温馨的大家园。

    Self-contained logistic services and comfortable rest sites have excused the staff from fear of disturbance in the rear and built up a large warm homestead .