
  • 网络Cymbal;Sabian;meinl
  1. 商品介绍SOLAR镲片为未来的专业鼓手带来高素质的黄铜系列镲片,是初学者也可以演奏出美妙的声音。

    Product description SOLAR cymbals drummer for the future to bring high-quality professional brass series cymbals , a beginner can play a wonderful voice .

  2. 商品介绍B8系列是专为那些想拥有SABIAN高质量的镲片的初学者而定位生产的,用耐用的青铜,经过精心的塑型、打造加工而成。

    Product description B8 series is designed for those who want to have high-quality cymbals SABIAN beginners and positioning products , with a durable bronze , through careful shaping , build processing .

  3. 此种情况我们推荐使用派斯特镲片保养剂。

    In this case we recommend the use of Paiste Cymbal Protector .

  4. 查理•帕克就没有朋友直到乔•琼斯把镲片砸到他头上

    Charlie Parker didn 't know anybody till Jo Jones threw a cymbal at his head .

  5. 如果镲片在清洁后很快出现氧化变色,说明镲片自身的保护层已经消失。

    If the cymbal discolors soon after cleaning ( air oxidization ), the protective coating has faded .

  6. 如果鼓手把镲放置的离桶鼓非常近以至于会打到麦克和麦克架的话,就尝试抓住每个镲片沿它的座轴移动。

    If the drummer has the cymbals positioned low and close to the toms , grab each cymbal and move it on its axis to see if it will hit the mic or stand .