
wēn jīng sàn hán
  • warm channel and expelling cold
温经散寒[wēn jīng sàn hán]
  1. 温经散寒和活血化瘀药物对寒凝血瘀模型的验证

    Effect of Drugs for Warming Channels to Dispel Coldness and Activating Blood Circulation to Remove Blood Stasis on Model of Blood Stasis Due to Coldness

  2. 本文在子宫内膜异位症中西医研究现状综述的基础上,对导师王树林教授运用温经散寒、活血化瘀的方法治疗子宫内膜异位症的临床经验及作用机理进行了总结和研究。

    Based on the summery of studies of endometriosis , this research sums up professor Wang Shu Lin 's clinical experience on treating endometriosis and discusses the clinical study of Ke Tong capsules ' effect on this disease .

  3. 在疼痛发作时,运用中药的温经散寒除湿,行气活血化瘀等功效,来达到明显的止痛效果,并能达到根治的目的。

    In traditional Chinese medicine pain occurs , use the scattered by the temperature , cold dehumidification effect such as promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis dredging , to achieve significant analgesic effect , And to achieve the purpose of cure .