
yǒu qínɡ
  • affectionate;warm;be in love;endowed with feeling/sentience
  • living creatures
有情 [yǒu qíng]
  • (1) [passion]∶指男女互相倾慕的感情。也指普通的感情

  • 天若有情天亦老

  • (2) [interest]∶有意思、有趣

  • 曲外有情

  1. 表达的是软的,并表明了一个有情处置。

    The expression is soft and indicates an affectionate disposition .

  2. 不知道是否是未知缘,而这或许只是我一厢情愿;也许风景有情,只是相见恨晚。

    Do not know whether it is unknown fate , and this may be just wishful thinking ; perhaps scenic affectionate , but regretted not coming earlier .

  3. 道是无情却有情。

    You might say ( someone ) is cold [ unfeeling ] , but he isn 't.

  4. 你有情,我有意。

    You are all heart , and my heart is for you .

  5. 第二部分是对圣人有情的具体论述。

    The second part embody the " Saint has sentiment " .

  6. 有情众生的怙主,大千世界你无处不在。

    Glorious refuge of sentient being , everywhere in the universe .

  7. 愿所有功德无偏利益一切有情!

    May all merit benefit all sentient beings without partiality !

  8. 有情无缘的要生出缘来;

    Sentient missed the chance to edge to give birth ;

  9. 一个有情,一个有义。

    One is full of affection ; one is full of loyalty .

  10. 有情有义,但过于哥们儿义气;

    Love is a righteous , but too buddy great-hearted ;

  11. 有机·有效·有情&大学校园规划与设计的几点思考

    Organic , Efficient , Affective : Reflections on University Planning and Design

  12. 之所以会产生这种交流,是因为空间是有情的。

    The exchange could happen for the space has feelings .

  13. 中国有情宇宙(环境)观探源

    Tracing to the Source of Chinese Emotional Universe View

  14. 水无情,人有情。

    Water is heartless , but human are not .

  15. 直接被动句又细分为有情被动句和无情被动句。

    Direct passive sentence divided into emotional passive sentence and ruthless passive sentence .

  16. 画家观察自然万物与诗人一样,都是有情的态度。

    Painter observations of natural things and poet , as sentient beings attitude .

  17. 巧中有情悲里寓美&经典影片《魂断蓝桥》的叙事模式

    On the Narrative Mode of the Film Waterloo Bridge

  18. 我与如我邪业诸有情。

    Bless me and that evil karma like me .

  19. 天时地利,还得有心有情。

    The day , the place , the heart must be just so .

  20. 各国不愿共享敏感资料是有情可原的。

    Countries are understandably reluctant to share sensitive material .

  21. 待人真心就有情。

    Getting along with people sincerely generates affection .

  22. 也许有情可原可是两次

    maybe you could understand , but twice ?

  23. 请采顺时针方向转动,并同时观想,转经轮利益着一切有情。

    Please turn in a clockwise direction while thinking of benefiting all sentient beings .

  24. 道是非法却有情:小产权房开发的经济学分析

    Reasonable But Illegal : An Economics Analysis of Urban Residential Development of Incomplete Property Rights

  25. 庄子对“有情有信,无为无形”之“大美”&“道”的倡导,为艺术创作与审美提供了理论借鉴;

    Zhuangzi 's advocacy of Dao provides useful ideas for the artistic production and aesthetics .

  26. 灾难无情,人有情。(好感人的表达!)

    There is no love in disaster , but we have love in humans heart .

  27. 宁静而平和的心境及对一切有情众生的悲愍和博爱是佛陀所倡导的。

    Serenity of spirit and love for all sentient creation are enjoined by the Buddha .

  28. 还有,你带领有情众生走水上大澈大悟之道。

    Even more , you led these sentient beings to the Path of Complete Enlightment .

  29. 明月本无价,高山皆有情。

    The bright moon is originally invaluable , there is all feeling in high mountain .

  30. 我们所做的一切都希望能让更多的有情众生多多行善及发菩提心。

    Our aim is to hope that everyone will do good with a Bodhi mind .