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yǒu shēnɡ
  • animate;active
有生 [yǒu shēng]
  • [human being] 有生命者,指人类

  • 有生之初。--清. 黄宗羲《原君》

  1. 他对有生的和无生的东西缺乏明确的辨别。

    He made no clear distinction between animate and inanimate things .

  2. 我们选择了具有生命义的名词进行研究,这类名词的特点是具有生命活动,能自主地发出动作,同时也能接受外界动作,这类名词我们把它叫做有生名词。

    We chose the noun with the meaning of life to research . The characteristics of such noun is with life activities . They can move independently , but also can accept external action . Such noun we call it animate noun .

  3. 大多数的年轻妇女都有生儿育女的生理需要。

    Most young women feel a biological need to procreate .

  4. 结论将成人睾丸组织移植到免疫缺陷小鼠体内,110d后仍观察到有生精细胞的存活。

    Conclusion After xenografting adults ' testicular tissue into immunodeficiency mice , the survival of spermatogenic cell could be observed in 110 days later .

  5. 我有生第一次看到了曼哈顿高楼耸立的景色。

    I saw the skyline of Manhattan for the first time .

  6. 弹丸对有生目标杀伤机理的研究

    A Study on the Wounding Mechanism of Bullets on Living Aims

  7. 生死皆自然。有生必有死。

    It is as natural to die as to be born .

  8. 有生则必有死。

    He that is once born , once must die .

  9. 木有生发伸展的性质。

    Wood has the nature of growing freely and unfolding .

  10. 有生必有死这是自然界的规律。

    What 's born has to die-that 's a law of nature .

  11. 不朽的鸟儿,你有生无死!

    Thou wast not born for death , immortal Bird !

  12. 有生即有死,经过尘世以达永恒。

    All that live must die , passing through nature to entenity .

  13. 不做无聊之事,何以遣有生之涯。

    Don 't do boring things , why have sent the cliffs .

  14. 我一直都不知道奶油果馅饼有生发的功能。

    I never knew cream tart made hair grow .

  15. 你这里有生啤酒吗?

    Haven 't you got beer on draught here ?

  16. 物质总是有生有灭的,非物质是不生不灭的。

    There are always filled out a material , non-physical health is not indisputable .

  17. 我预计,在金正日有生之日会实现权力平稳移交。

    I expect the transfer of power will be smooth while Kim Jong-il is alive .

  18. 你家族里有生双胞胎的么?

    Do twins run in your family ?

  19. 宇宙里有生有死

    In Nature there is Life and Death

  20. 我们有生啤酒和瓶装啤酒。

    We have draft and bottled beer .

  21. 我们怎样才能使事情有生有色。

    How can we liven things up ?

  22. 有生必有死。

    All that lives must die .

  23. 国家像人一样有生有死,但其文化永远存在。&马志尼

    Nations , like individuals , live or die but civilization cannot perish . - Mazzini , Giuseppe

  24. 舒伯特在他有生最后一年找到一位对位法老师上课。

    During the last year of his life Schubert sought out a counterpoint teacher and took lessons .

  25. 不像我们的肉身是有生有死,不断地在轮回之中徘徊。

    It is not like our flesh body that has birth and death and lingers in transmigration .

  26. 记住,你现在要做出有生人打扰心烦意乱的表情。

    Put expression in your face . Remember , you are troubled over the intrusion of the stranger .

  27. 听我说,这是我有生第一次听说这样的怪事。

    Do you know , that 's the first time I 've heard of such a strange thing .

  28. 我知道得很清楚,只要有生,就会有死;

    I know it very clearly that as long as there is life , there will be death .

  29. 当你处在想自杀的痛苦时期时,你的这些记忆会使你有生的希望。

    Your memory of them can keep hope alive during the periods that you descend into suicidal depression .

  30. 你有生之日,何尝给晨光出过命令,又何尝使曙光知道它之所生?

    Didst thou since thy birth command the morning , and shew the dawning of the day its place ?