
  • 网络effective sound pressure;effective pressure
  1. 松散沉积物的有效密度及其声压反射损失

    Effective density in loose sandy sediment and the bottom reflection loss

  2. 分析指出矢量阵能有效地消除声压阵存在的左右舷模糊现象。

    The analysis of the comparison points out that vector arrays can effectively eliminate the ambiguity between the port hand and the starboard with pressure arrays .

  3. 本文简要介绍了活塞发声器的工作原理及其声压级的测量原理,着重分析了未知耦合腔体积活塞发声器的有效体积与声压级的测量方法。

    The working principle of pistonphone and the measurement principle of its sound pressure level are summarized . The paper emphatically analyzes the methods for measuring the nominal effective coupler volume and the sound pressure level of piston-phone with unknown coupler volume .