
  • 网络Toxic operations;toxic work
  1. 结论某市有毒作业危害的程度不算严重。

    Conclusion The toxic hazard rating in Shaoguan was not so severe .

  2. 对《有毒作业分级》在职业病危害评价工作中的应用思考

    Application of " Ratings of Job with Toxicants Exposure " in evaluation of occupational hazards

  3. 基于层次分析法的有毒作业场所职业危害程度分级指标研究

    Research of occupational hazards classification index to toxic chemicals in the workplace based on AHP

  4. 卫生行政部门应当依照本条例的规定对使用有毒物品作业场所的职业卫生防护设备、设施的防护性能进行定期检验和不定期的抽查;

    The administrative departments for public health shall , in accordance with the provisions of these regulations , periodically inspect and selectively check at irregular intervals the performances of safeguards for the occupational health in the workplaces where toxic substances are used .

  5. 对发生急性职业损伤的有毒、有害作业场所,配置现场急救用品、冲洗设备。

    The field first-aid articles and flushing equipment shall be arranged at toxic or harmful operation locations where the acute occupational injury occurs .

  6. 船舶进行油类或散装有毒有害液体作业、生活污水处理、船舶垃圾回收的,必须按规定记录。

    Ships operating with oil or poisonous and harmful liquid in bulk , disposing of consumer sewage , recycling ship waste shall be on record in accordance with the related rules .

  7. 石化行业是一个高危行业,具有高温高压、易燃易爆、有毒有害、连续作业、点多面广的特点。

    The petrochemical industry is with high risk because of HPHT , Poisonous and Harmful , continuous operation and wide range .

  8. [方法]运用有毒物质危害程度分级、有毒作业分级和有毒物质暴露程度分级等指标,对有毒物质的检测数据进行半定量分析,并得出建设项目作业场所有毒物质控制效果等级。

    [ Methods ] To deduce occupational disease hazard control and preventive effect grade in industrial project , we apply the indexes such as degree classification of hazard agents and hazard work classification and exposure degree classification of hazard a-gents to conduct half-quantity analysis for data of hazard agents .