
  • Active element;【电工】active [electric circuit] element
  1. 由于DNA分子具有自组装和分子识别等特性,可以用作纳米尺度的电子器件的有源元件。

    By virtu : of the molecular recognition and self-assembling properties , DNA molecules can be used as the active components for nano-scale electronic devices .

  2. 论文将以有源元件设计运算放大器RC滤波器和电流传输器滤波器,根据级联原理,又设计了高阶滤波器。

    Active elements are used to design the operation amplifier RC filter and the current conveyor filter .

  3. 平板显示器中有源元件的参数测试与其他各类半导体器件的IC器件测试相同。

    Characterizing the active elements in flat panel displays is similar to IC device testing on other types of semiconductors .

  4. 用改进的电流传送器(MCCⅡ)作为有源元件,采用多环反馈法设计了3种低通电流滤波器。

    With modified current conveyors and by multiple loop feedback design method , three low pass filters are designed .

  5. SiGe/SiHBT作为单片微波集成电路中的有源元件,在截止频率、增益、噪声等方面相对于GaAs器件有很大的优势。

    Being the active component in the microwave IC , the SiGe / Si HBT has greater advantages in the cutoff frequency , current gain , and noise characteristics than the GaAs devices .

  6. 单片微波集成电路(MMIC)是将有源元件和无源元件都集成在同一个半导体衬底上的微波电路;

    A monolithic microwave integrated circuit ( MMIC ) is a microwave circuit in which the active and passive components are fabricated on the same semiconductor substrate .

  7. 建立了超磁致伸缩超声换能器的有源元件Terfenol-D棒和各振动组件的机电等效电路,与电路理论相类比推导出谐振状态的频率方程,求解频率方程得出换能器各部分的结构尺寸。

    The equivalent circuit of the transducer 's vibrational components has been established and the frequency equations of resonance state and educing the dimensions of the transducer components has been gained .

  8. 本文在MOGFET-C有源元件的基础上,利用嵌入技术设计出各种元件模拟MOS-FET-c连续时间滤波器及其改进型电路,并导出了全平衡结掏,完善了这类滤波器的设计方法。

    Using the embedding technique , various element simulated MOSFET-C continuous-time filters based on the MOSFET-C active elements are designed . Furthermore , the modified circuits are proposed , and the fully balance structure is derived . Then the design methods of the kind of filters will be extremely completed .

  9. 高密度封装进展之五&采用无源元件和有源元件埋入技术实现的模块内系统封装

    System in Module Using Passive and Active Components Embedding Technology

  10. 埋置无源及有源元件的B~2it印制电路板

    B ~ 2it Printed Circuit Boards with Embedded Inactive and Active Components

  11. 以多端有源元件实现滤波电路及振荡电路

    Design of Filters and Oscillators Using Active Multi-output Elements

  12. 它的主要特点是不固定有源元件模型,用户可以根据条件任选一种等效电路。

    Its main feature is that model of active element is not specified .

  13. 提出了有效的迭代方法,.并给出由此方法设计的例子及用有源元件实现的设计电路。

    This paper presents the efficient iteration and gives a design example of the realization by means of active device .

  14. 随着各种新的有源元件的出现,利用有源元件来设计滤波器及利用有源元件之间的互换实现滤波器将成为未来电子电路设计的主流。

    The new active elements are coming forth . Active elements are used to design the filter . The active elements are exchanged to realize the filter will become the mainstream of the future electrical circuit design .

  15. 有源电路元件的电接头。

    The electrical connector of an active circuit component .

  16. 有源电路元件的电接头。发射器和接收器内装有光源和所有电子元件和控制元件。

    The electrical connector of an active circuit component . The transmitter-receiver housing contains the light source and all electronic and control functions .

  17. 系统地研究了电流传送器在有源网络元件模拟、模拟信号运算和电感模拟电路中的应用,提出了一种基于电流传送器的新型模拟浮地电感。

    The simulative circuits of active network elements , analog signal operation and inductors based on current conveyors are systematically researched . A new active floating inductor is proposed .

  18. 接地和浮地有源模拟通用元件的研究

    The Investigation of Earthed and Floating-Earthed Active Simulated Universal Component

  19. 含有有源作动元件的弹性耦合系统的功率流传递特性

    Power flow transmitted in a coupled flexible system with active executive elements

  20. 同时注意电路的匹配条件,使设计的电路结构较简单,使用较少的有源和无源元件,无源元件尽量接地,适合一体化。

    Noticing circuit matching , make the configuration simpler , active and passive elements lesser and passive elements are grounded .

  21. 本文介绍用最优化方法设计有源滤波器各元件参数的通用程序。

    This paper introduces a universal program to design parameters of the elements of active filters by using optimization method .

  22. 其中,薄膜光波导可构成诸如振荡、放大、调制、偏转、传输、检测等种种有源或者无源元件,是光集成器件的基础。

    Film optical waveguide is the base of integrated photonic active devices and passive devices , including oscillator , amplifier , modulator and deflector and so on .

  23. 本文提出的浮地频变负阻新电路具有有源和无源元件少、灵敏度低、稳定性好、无需调整和易于实现等优点。

    A novel realization of floating FDNR proposed in the paper has advantages such as fewer passive and active elements , lower sensitivity , good stability , no need of adjustment , easy realization .

  24. 该CAA能系统地研究和分析二阶低通有源滤波器的各元件值对幅频特性的影响。

    The CAA can study and analyse the effects of all elements on the amplitude-frequency characteristic of active Filter systematically .

  25. 用修正状态方程求取线性有源网络极点对元件参数的灵敏度

    Modified state equations used to obtain sensitivity of linear active network poles to element parameters