
  1. 其内容的正确性直接关系到企业的社会效益和经济效益。

    Its content directly has relation to the social and economic benefits of enterprises .

  2. 为了提高企业的社会效益和经济效益,需要建设必要的装置回收低压瓦斯。

    A unit to recovery these gas should be constructed immediately to improve the social profit and the economic profit .

  3. 不能反映企业的社会效益和生态效益,如企业的社会责任,企业对环境的治理等。

    Can 't reflect the social benefits of enterprises and ecological benefits , such as the community responsibility of enterprises , administration of the environment of enterprises , etc.

  4. 采用本文提出的优化方法可初步考虑设备状态实施检修,使编制出的计划既减少了停电损失,又能提高设备运行的安全性,提高系统的可靠性,提高了企业的社会效益和经济效益。

    The proposed optimization model makes the maintenance take the state of equipments into consideration , which can not only minimize the outage cost , but can improve the operation safety of equipments also , so as to improve system reliability and social and economic benefits of power supply company .

  5. 结合淮北市北外环C1段市政工程的案例,从施工准备阶段、施工阶段和竣工验收阶段对如何进行项目施工的成本控制进行了探讨,以使企业取得良好的社会效益和经济效益。

    Combined with north circumferential municipal works in Huaibei city , from three stages : preparation stage , construction stage and acceptance stage measures for construction cost control are discussed in order to acquire good social and economic benefits for enterprises .

  6. 基于这样的思考,本文力图将反应信息化项目给企业带来的隐性社会效益指标因素纳入到评价体系中,对电厂信息化项目建设带给企业的显性和隐性的效益进行综合评价。

    We devote to introduce the index system of the social performance so that we can make better the evaluation of electric plant IT project .

  7. 炼油行业在国民经济体系中占有重要地位,炼油生产的安全、稳定、长周期、满负荷和优质运行,对提高企业的经济和社会效益具有重要意义。

    Oil refining industry play an important role in national economy system , its safety , stability , long period , full load and high quality operation has an important sense for improving the economic and social benefit of enterprise .

  8. 准确的电力负荷预测是合理进行电力系统规划、建设、生产、调度以及检修的重要依据,可以保证电网安全、经济的运行,提高电力企业的经济和社会效益。

    As an important basis of many power system behaviors such as planning , construction , production , dispatching and overhauling , etc , accurate power load forecasting can ensure that a power network runs safely and economically , and improve economic and social benefit of an electric power enterprise .

  9. 想成为移动通信业的领头羊,N公司就必须重视人力资源管理战略的设计,充分发挥人力资源的生产力作用,最终实现企业的经济效益和社会效益最大化。

    To be the top one in the industry , N Company has to carry out a design of HR management strategy , in order to bring into full play of the productive role of human resource , and finally maximize the economic and social benefits .

  10. 无线网络的建成为德州邮政企业带来了可观的社会效益和经济效益。

    The construction of wireless network has brought considerable social and economic benefits to Dezhou postal enterprises .

  11. 试图通过科学的人力资源管理,提高公路经营企业的经济效益和社会效益。

    The aim is to improve economic profits and effect upon society of highway enterprise through scientific human resource management .

  12. 由于工业共生,园区内企业的经济效益及社会效益都有所提高,产生了良好的工业共生效益;

    As a result of the industrial symbiosis , the enterprise 's economic benefits and the social benefits are enhanced , and produce good symbiosis benefits ;

  13. 同时实现全网资源的集中管理、统一调度,对数据进行统计分析,为辅助领导进行决策,从而提高企业的经济效益和社会效益。

    Finally realize whole network resource Centralized Management , dispatch unify , analyses and statistic , assistant leading decision-making , consequently improve enterprise economy efficiency and social benefit .

  14. 所以,旅游线路设计水平的高低,旅游线路销售的好坏,直接影响到旅游企业的经济效益和社会效益。

    As a result , whether the tourist routes design and its sell are good or bad , can directly effects economical and social benefit of tour enterprise .

  15. 该类破碎机有利于从节能、高效等方面综合提高建材、矿山等企业的经济效益和社会效益。

    This crusher will benefit increasing economic efficiency and social efficiency of building materials , mining and other enterprises by its energy-saving effect , high efficiency and so on .

  16. 给水管网运行工况对于给水系统的优化运行,提高给水管网的管理水平、提高供水企业的经济效益和社会效益有着十分重要的意义。

    The waer supply networks operating mode is very important in optimal operation improvement of management as well as increase of economic and social benefits of water supply system .

  17. 在近几年全球旅游业都在迅猛发展,标准化的实施无疑给旅游企业带来不同程度的社会效益和经济效益的增长。

    In recent years , the global tourism industry develops rapidly . The implementation of standardization undoubtedly brings different levels of social and economic benefits to the growth of tourism enterprises .

  18. 这种沉重的压力不仅会对客户经理的身体、生活和行为造成极大损害,而且,也会对企业的经济效益、社会效益和社会的稳定产生负面影响。

    These pressure not only makes a strong impact on the physical , psychological and behavioral conditions , but also brings negative influence to the economic benefit , social benefit and social stability .

  19. 为了研究城市电网建设和改造情况对企业的经济效益和社会效益产生的影响,以及为今后电网的建设与改造提供借鉴。

    The aim of this thesis is to research the in influence of the constructions and transformation of the Urban Power Network to the benefits of enterprises and society , and recommend the relevant advices for the future .

  20. 面向环境的绿色工艺设计是实现绿色制造的有效途径,是制造业可持续性发展的重要方向,保证企业的经济效益和社会效益最优化。

    It is an effective way by green technological design facing the environment to realize the green manufacture , and is important direction for sustainable development of the manufacturing industry , in addition , it can guarantee enterprise 's economic efficiency and social efficiency superexcellent .

  21. 但是,本文实证性研究证明,纺织企业积极的公平竞争战略会和企业的经济效益和社会效益正相关。

    But the empirical studies in the paper have proved that , there would be a positive relation between active competition strategy and economic and social benefits .

  22. 介绍了国内开发并已经成功工业应用的先进柴油加氢工艺,为企业生产高质量清洁柴油提供适时有力的技术支撑,增加了企业的经济和社会效益。

    The advanced diesel-fuel hydrotreating technology was introduced , The technology was domestic developed and already be triumphantly industrial applied , affords the vigorous and timing technology sustainment to produce the high quality diesel-fuel for the enterprise , increased the enterprise 's economical and social benefit .

  23. 而生产调度是流程企业生产运行的指挥中心,提高生产调度的质量和效率对于提高流程企业的经济效益和社会效益会起到重要作用。

    And that , production scheduling is the headquarters of production running in one process enterprise , and improving the quality and efficiency of production scheduling plays an important role in improving economic and social benefits of the process enterprise .

  24. 在此种种客观条件下,对于物流配送企业来说,其敏捷化响应能力将是一个极大的挑战,此外其对企业的社会与经济效益也有着非常重大的影响。

    In all the objective conditions for the logistics and distribution companies , its agile responsiveness will be a great challenge , in addition to its social and economic benefits of the enterprise also has a very significant impact .

  25. 在这种情况下,企业迫切需要一种强有力的企业文化来支撑,加强企业文化建设,对于提高企业的经济效益和社会效益,提高竞争力,具有重要的意义。

    In such condition , enterprises especially need powerful corporation culture as support . Corporation culture , which is significant to enhance economic and social effect , and to raise competitive force of a enterprise .

  26. 电网企业如何转变社会角色,提高服务质量,制定更为科学合理的营销策略直接关系到企业的经济效益和社会效益。

    Power companies have been changed much in social roles , and how to develop effective marketing strategies to improve the quality of services is directly related to the future development of power grid enterprises .

  27. 这就要求企业在对股东负责的同时,也要满足其他利益相关者的需求;在努力实现经济效益的同时,兼顾企业的社会效益。

    This requires enterprises to meet the needs of the shareholders and other stakeholders , also take into account achieve economic benefits and enterprise social benefits .

  28. 某企业选择劳动型服务企业和聘用待业人员,符合国家所得税减免政策,同时正确选择了减免时间,提高了企业的经济效益与社会效益。

    In an enterprise , to employ the underemployed people is lawful and can improve the economic and social benefits because of getting the right time of reducing or remitting tax .