
  1. HR独特的企业外包程度小;2.人力资源外包程度与绩效存在一定相关。

    There are some correlations between degree of HR outsourcing and business performances .

  2. HR独特的企业外包程度小;

    The more HR idiosyncratic was , the less degree of HR outsourcing was ;

  3. HR参与战略决策的企业外包程度大。

    The more HR strategic involvement was , the less degree of HR outsourcing was .

  4. 共和党总统候选人、贝恩资本(BainCapital)创始人米特?罗姆尼(MITTROMNEY)不得不回击这样的批评:贝恩资本收购的企业外包了美国人的工作岗位。

    Mitt Romney , the Republican candidate and founder of Bain Capital , has had to fend off criticism that the companies it acquired outsourced US jobs .

  5. 如果企业外包或者和一家云计算供应商共同创建应用程序,可能会发现很难转向其他采用私有API或者具有不同导入和导出数据格式的供应商。

    If a company outsources or creates applications with one cloud computing vendor , the company may find it is difficult to change to another computing vendor that has proprietary APIs and different formats for importing and exporting data .

  6. 德勤咨询(deloitteconsulting)进行的一项国际调查发现,合格的会计师及其他专业财务人员日益短缺,特别是在东欧和亚洲,这将制约企业外包财务功能的努力。

    A growing shortage of qualified accountants and other finance professionals , especially in Eastern Europe and Asia , will limit efforts to outsource corporate financial functions , an international survey by Deloitte Consulting has found .

  7. 接着以AW公司为例对所提出的企业外包决策模型进行实证分析,为如何将外包决策理论模型实际应用提供思路。

    Then , the paper did the empirical analysis on the business model of outsourcing decision-making proposed by the case of the enterprise of AW , providing the ideas of how to use the model of outsourcing decision-making into practical ways .

  8. 基于价值链的制药企业外包战略探讨

    Discussion on Pharmaceutical Enterprises ' Outsourcing Strategy Based on Value Chain

  9. 企业外包采购是企业商务活动的一个重要环节。

    Outsourcing procurement is an important tool for enterprises business .

  10. 供应链企业外包战略选择模型研究

    Strategic Selection Model of Enterprise Contracting in the Supply Chain

  11. 制造型企业外包策略及决策模型研究

    Strategy and Decision Making Model for Outsourcing in Manufacturing Industry

  12. 企业外包与企业获取竞争能力有什么关系?

    What 're relations between company outsourcing intension and company competitive capabilities ?

  13. 企业外包决策的模型、过程和方法

    Model , Processes and Methods of Enterprise Outsourcing Decision-making

  14. 资源外包对象选择问题,也就是企业外包什么的问题,是企业能否顺利实施资源外包战略的关键。

    It is the key in applying Outsourcing strategy .

  15. 制造业企业外包水平对企业竞争力的影响研究

    Study of Outsourcing Impact on Competitiveness of Manufacturing Enterprises

  16. 成本压力大的企业外包程度大;

    The higher cost pressure was , the higher degree of HR outsourcing was ;

  17. 因此,企业外包设计成为供应链管理思想的一个重要方面。

    Therefore , outsourcing design of enterprises comprises one of main aspects of SCM .

  18. 企业外包物流的选择与合作

    Enterprises Select and Cooperate with the Outsourcing Logistics

  19. 理解企业外包决策的一个概念框架

    A Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Outsourcing Decision

  20. 企业外包决策研究

    Study of Outsourcing Decision - Making of Enterprises

  21. 企业外包的成本与效益分析

    The Cost and Benefit Analysis of Enterprises'Outsourcing

  22. 企业外包流程建模与仿真

    Enterprise outsourcing process modeling & simulating

  23. 之后进行海杂波信号仿真并验证了仿真结果。企业外包流程建模与仿真

    The modeling and simulating of sea clutter is showed . Enterprise outsourcing process modeling & simulating

  24. 浙江省企业外包网络与竞争力关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship of Outsourcing Network and Competitive Ability of Firms in Zhejiang Province

  25. 在部分任务被国外企业外包的同时,是不是留给爱国的美国人去做的工作就越来越少呢?

    When some tasks are taken overseas , that leaves less work for patriotic Americans to do , right ?

  26. 中小企业外包协作体系研究

    A Study on the Sub-contract Cooperation System of Medium and Small Enterprise Outsourcing : a way out for Chinese software industry

  27. 并根据威廉姆森的新制度经济学中经济业务交易的规制结构对企业外包的规制层次进行划分;

    Based on Williamson 's new institutional economic theory about governance structure in economic transaction , it categorizes governance hierarchy of enterprise outsourcing .

  28. 知识经济导致了产业价值链分工、延长,迫使企业外包、分工协作的紧迫性。

    A knowledge-based economy led to Industry Value Chain division , and extended enterprises are forced to outsourcing , the urgency of working together .

  29. 其次分析了中小道路客运企业外包模式的形成动因、具体模式和主要特点。

    Secondly , analyzed the forming cause , abstract sorts and main characteristics of risk management of middle and small highway bus enterprises in exterior contract .

  30. 另外,这一部分还讨论了影响经营杠杆作用程度的各因素所起作用的大小,以及因素控制在企业外包业务和企业扩张中的应用。

    In addition , this section also discusses the impact degree of factors which influence operating leverage and the applications of factor control in outsourcing and enterprise expansion .