
ɡuǎn lǐ zī xún ɡù wèn
  • management consultant
  1. 专门研究小公司的管理咨询顾问赫尔曼西蒙表示:“隐形冠军企业面临的最大挑战在于,把自己从欧美企业转化为欧亚企业。”

    Hermann Simon , a management consultant who specialises in small companies , says : " the biggest challenge for hidden champions is to transform themselves from transatlantic companies into Eurasian ones . "

  2. 管理咨询顾问能力建设

    The Competence Construction of Management Consultant

  3. 实施ERP要选择合适的ERP平台和管理咨询顾问,否则会走弯路。

    It is necessary to select the suitable ERP platform and consultation advisor - otherwise you will take a wrong path .

  4. 换一个灯泡需要用上几个管理咨询顾问?

    How many management consultants does it take to change a lightbulb ?

  5. 管理咨询顾问创业的几率是其他职业的两倍。

    Management consultants were twice as likely to start companies .

  6. 为什么管理咨询顾问能赚那么多钱?

    Why do management consultants get paid so much ?

  7. 我们是某国际集团名下的管理咨询顾问公司。

    We are a management and HR consultancy firm that belongs to an international group .

  8. 作为一位管理咨询顾问,我接触过的大多数领导者都非常清醒。

    Most of the leaders with whom I work as a management consultant are a level-headed lot .

  9. 主持国家级科研项目多项,并担任多家公司的管理咨询顾问。

    Wu chairs many high-level research projects , and he is in charge of management consultant for many companies .

  10. 正因如此,美发师和美容师这类职业要比管理咨询顾问和公司律师更快乐。

    That is why hairdressers and beauticians are higher up the list of happy professions than management consultants and corporate lawyers .

  11. 继美国发生恐怖袭击及随后出现经济不确定性之后,管理咨询顾问和银行家削减了员工人数,并远离商学院。

    Following the terrorist attacks in the US and subsequent economic uncertainty , management consultancies and bankers slashed staff numbers and stayed away from business schools .

  12. 在此基础上,提出一个测评管理咨询顾问胜任力的结构模型,并通过问卷调查对于胜任力特征模型进行论证和评价。

    And going on this , a competence construction model of management consultant will be put forward , and we will evaluate this model by questionnaire surveys .

  13. 如今的她更有可能是一位接受了银行工作培训的音乐学院毕业生,有两个孩子,丈夫是一位管理咨询顾问。

    She is today more likely to be a music graduate trained on the job , with two children and a husband working as a management consultant .

  14. 他们正远离投资银行家或管理咨询顾问每周工作80小时的习惯,花更多时间与家人共度,在非赢利企业或政府从事更有益于社会的工作。

    They are eschewing the 80-hour working week of the investment banker or management consultant for more time with their families and more socially rewarding jobs in not-for-profit companies or government .

  15. 丹麦的一名管理咨询顾问是个例外:他在欧元诞生之际对我说,统一使用欧元,就好像把从芬兰到希腊的暖气全都调成一个温度。

    An exception was a Danish management consultant who , at the time the euro was created , told me it was like setting household thermostats to the same temperature everywhere from Finland to Greece .

  16. 现在和以前供职于怡和的员工表示,尽管薪资丰厚,但无法与投行家和管理咨询顾问相比,然而,在工作期间,他们可以相对自由地在怡和各公司之间调动,构成一个关系紧密的集团。

    Current and former Jardines employees say that while the pay is good , it does not compare with the salaries paid to investment bankers and management consultants . But over a career they move relatively freely between Jardines ' companies , forming a tight-knit group .

  17. 用一个国际知名管理咨询公司&波士顿顾问公司,说明现代管理咨询公司的发展战略。

    Use an international known management advisory corporation - The consultant firm of Boston , explain the development strategy of the modern management advisory corporation .

  18. 首先,由于试验设计的初衷是为了评估管理技巧而非咨询顾问,收集绩效数据的任务是由埃森哲自己完成的。

    The first is that as the experiment was designed to evaluate management techniques rather than consultants , Accenture was left in charge of collecting its own performance data .

  19. 随后,本文分析了管理信息化咨询对管理咨询公司和管理咨询顾问的要求。

    The paper also put forward the issues our country 's management consulting company should pay attention to in the four phrases .