
  • 网络responsibility matrix;Accountability Matrix
  1. 一旦对要使用哪些角色和工件,以及如何称呼它们达成了一致,RUP顾问就可以继续在职责矩阵中分配职责了。

    As soon as there is agreement upon which roles and artifacts to use , and how to call them , the RUP consultant can proceed by allocating responsibilities in the Responsibility Matrix .

  2. 职责矩阵可以被用来作为开发案例的一部分,以非常简洁且易读的方式提供对所剪裁的RUP的主要构建模块的概述。

    The Responsibility Matrix can be used as part of the development case , to provide an overview of the main building blocks of the tailored RUP in a very concise and readable way .

  3. 该方法的结果是尽可能多地确定了RUP角色和工件的职责矩阵。

    The result of this approach is a Responsibility Matrix defined as much as possible in terms of RUP roles and artifacts .

  4. RUP顾问对组织中需要什么RUP工件和角色进行有根据的推测,并填写职责矩阵中的所有职责。

    The RUP consultant takes an educated guess regarding what RUP artifacts and roles are needed in the organization and fills in all the responsibilities in a Responsibility Matrix .

  5. 职责矩阵可以通过不同的方法填写。

    The Responsibility Matrix can be filled in using different approaches .

  6. 因此职责矩阵很难让人理解。

    The Responsibility Matrix can therefore be hard to follow and understand .

  7. 职责矩阵将使简化我们得到适当的开发案例的过程。

    The Responsibility Matrix facilitates the process of getting our development case right .

  8. 我们将介绍两个概念:职责矩阵和工件流。

    We introduce two concepts : the Responsibility Matrix and the Artifact Flow .

  9. 该职责矩阵随后用作与涉众进行讨论的基础。

    This Responsibility Matrix is then used as the basis for discussion with the stakeholders .

  10. 职责矩阵没有使用涉众熟悉的角色和工件。

    The Responsibility Matrix does not use roles and artifacts that are familiar to the stakeholders .

  11. 图1:职责矩阵实例

    Figure 1 : Example Responsibility Matrix

  12. 在与现场的所有涉众确定了职责矩阵之后,下一个步骤是添加更多详细信息。

    After defining the Responsibility Matrix with all the stakeholders present , the next step is to add more detail .

  13. 我们可以在所有涉众出席的一个(或多个)会议上填写职责矩阵。

    We can fill in the Responsibility Matrix in one ( or more ) sessions , attended by all stakeholders .

  14. 我们不需要对业务有很多的了解来支持职责矩阵的创建。

    We don 't need a lot of knowledge of the business to support the creation of a Responsibility Matrix .

  15. 在该会议中,将讨论公司中存在的工件和角色,并放入到职责矩阵中。

    In this session , artifacts and roles that exist within the company are discussed and put into the Responsibility Matrix .

  16. 在此阶段,我们着重于在职责矩阵中已经定义的工件之间的关系。

    In this stage , we focus on the relationships among the artifacts that we have defined in the Responsibility Matrix .

  17. 然而,与此同时,职责矩阵根深蒂固的来源于公司的现有最佳实践。

    At the same time , however , the Responsibility Matrix is strongly rooted in the company 's existing best practices .

  18. 职责矩阵和工件流给出了开发案例主要部分的简洁、但完整的概述。

    The Responsibility Matrix and the Artifact Flow give a concise , yet complete overview of the main parts of the development case .

  19. 在对工件和角色进行解释之后,可以将它们移动、重命名或替换,并且通过完成职责矩阵将职责进行划分。

    After an explanation of the artifacts and roles , they can be shifted , renamed , or replaced , and responsibilities can be divided by completing the Responsibility Matrix .

  20. 在创建职责矩阵的过程中,将新的职责矩阵中的工件和角色映射到公司的原始职责设置是有用的。

    During the process of creating the Responsibility Matrix , it is useful to map the artifacts and roles in the new Responsibility Matrix on their counterparts as used in the original company setup .

  21. 它是进度计划、项目各类数据表述的平面图、职责矩阵、成本估算、风险分析、项目目标和过程的协调依据。

    It is the progress of plans , projects of various types of data interpretation of floor plans , responsibilities matrix , cost estimates , risk analysis , project objectives and the basis of the coordination process .

  22. 我们将工件、角色和职责一起放入我们的职责矩阵中。

    We put the artifacts , roles , and responsibilities together in what we call a Responsibility Matrix .