
  1. 系统功能上,系统具备运行小微客户信贷业务审批和其管理功能,具备监督和预警授信额度状况的功能,具备查询信誉额度和统计报表的功能,此外还拥有业务维护和权限维护的功能。

    System functions , system has run small customer credit approval and its management function , with supervision and early warning line of credit conditions , with query credit and statistics function , also has a business maintenance and maintenance of the authorization function .

  2. 运用探索性分析和验证性分析检验了样本数据对小微贷款客户经理工作绩效结构维度的支持。

    Next , this paper proves the sample data support for the structural model of work performance of the small and micro loan customer manager by exploratory analysis and confirmatory analysis .

  3. 本文开展的探索性分析和验证性分析检验了影响小微贷款客户经理工作绩效的金融外环境为四因子的内容结构。

    The exploratory analysis and confirmatory analysis in this paper prove that financial external environment influencing the work performance of the small and micro loan customer manager is the four-factor content structure .

  4. 微代理JMS客户机支持JMS中定义的持久性和非持久性服务质量。

    The micro broker JMS client supports both the persistent and non-persistent flavors of quality of service defined in JMS .

  5. 微代理及其客户机库包装在一组OSGI包中,使客户机和管理应用程序能够使用模块化的OSGI框架。

    The micro broker and its client libraries are packaged in a set of OSGI bundles with client and administrative applications able to exploit the modular OSGI framework .

  6. 按照JMS规范,微代理的JMS客户机允许消息传递应用程序通过一个侦听程序同步或异步地从微代理接收消息。

    As per the JMS specification , the micro broker â™ s JMS client allows messaging applications to receive messages from the micro broker either synchronously or asynchronously through a listener .

  7. 最近在福来德总裁的陪同下,专程为微营养公司的客户提供服务。

    Accompanied by Pre Fred , he specially provided service for the clients of the Micronutrients Company .

  8. 分析师们表示,腾讯可能利用微信庞大的客户群来推出其他的移动服务,例如游戏或电子商务。

    Tencent could use WeChat 's massive user base to offer additional mobile services such as gaming or e-commerce , analysts say .