
  • 网络consequentialism
  1. 本文的主要任务是评述新自然法学派对结果主义、功利主义和相称主义的分析和批判。

    The major task of present thesis is to review the analysis and criticism of new Natural Law School on consequentialism , functionalism and proportionalism .

  2. 在哲学中,他攻击结果主义,即对一个行为来说最重要的是看它的结果,这往往与功利主义的“最大幸福”原则一致。

    In philosophy he attacks consequentialism , the view that what matters about an action is its consequences , which is usually coupled with utilitarianism 's " greatest happiness " principle .

  3. 其判定标准总体上存在着条款主义和结果主义,现在结果主义已成为判断根本违约构成与否的主流标准。

    In general on its determination standards there are " term " and " consequence ", and now the " consequence " has became the essential measurement .

  4. 从条款主义判断标准到结果主义判断标准,再到以《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》为代表的多重限制标准,根本违约的构成始终是学界研究的焦点问题。

    From the terms ' criteria to the criteria of consequentialism , and then to the United Nations International Sale of Goods Convention on Contracts for the multiple limits , constitutes a fundamental breach of contract has always been the focus of academic research .

  5. 结果导向主义的实用主义为我们观察法律和分析法律问题提供了一个全新的视角,也提供了一种更具解释力的研究路径。

    Results-oriented pragmatism provides us with not only a new perspective to observe law and analyze legal issues but also a more explanatory research approach .

  6. 一些经济学家把这些结果当作平等主义的一大论据。

    Some economists have used these results as egalitarian debating points .

  7. 定量分析结果表明建构主义教学的成分在高中英语课堂教学中只是在某种程度上得以体现。

    The quantitative study showed that constructivist practices were somewhat presented in high school English classrooms .

  8. 但是,拟订道德标准而不付诸实施,只会导致毫无结果的形式主义和学究气十足的抽象思想。

    But ethics without practical application only lead to the sterile formalism and abstractionism of scholastic thought .

  9. 斗争的结果表明个人主义和一定程度的政府干预同样重要。

    The results of those struggles underscore the importance of both individualism and a degree of government involvement .

  10. 哲学主要是思,作为马克思思的结果的马克思主义哲学,其理论硬核是实践思维;

    Philosophy means thinking . The key to Marxist philosophy , the result of Karl Marx 's thinking , is practical thinking .

  11. 结果是物理主义的客观主义成为现代科学的形而上学基础,因此导致了科学的认识论之谜,使得自然科学知识何以可能成为问题。

    Third , its result is physicalistic objectivism was seen as the metaphysical foundation of natural science which has led to the riddle of cognition .

  12. 去年,他组织了由老男人和年轻女性参与的第一期活动,结果招致女性主义者的批评。他因此萌发了组织第二期活动的想法。

    He came up with the idea after drawing criticism from feminists for organizing an event last year that paired wealthy older men with young women .

  13. 欧洲人将认识到,关于俄国进军阿富汗时,它认为自己是在防御还是在进攻,这种争论是无关紧要的,因为结果一样扩张主义。

    The Europeans will see that the argument about whether Russia thought it was being offensive or defensive when it marched into Afghanistan is irrelevant because the result was the same : expansionist .

  14. 此外,问卷调查结果表明建构主义学习环境能明显提高学生参与口语课堂活动的兴趣,促进他们学习口语的积极性,并能提高他们的口语水平。

    Moreover , the results of the questionnaire survey indicate that the constructivist learning environment can increase students ' interest in participation of classroom activities , promote their active learning , and improve their oral English proficiency .

  15. 论战的结果以资源保护主义者的胜利而告终。

    The results of the controversy ended in the victory of conservationists .

  16. 这种结果是在保护主义壁垒下实现的最初是英国,随后是欧洲。

    This was achieved behind protectionist barriers , first national and then European .

  17. 这些结果理应令货币主义者从心眼里感到高兴。

    The results were meant to bring joy to any monetarist 's heart .

  18. 更糟的是(自然是对悲观主义者而言)研究结果都支持乐观主义者。

    Making matters worse ( for the pessimists , naturally ) is research favoring optimists .

  19. 这些斗争的结果说明,个人主义和政府干预都是重要的。

    The results of these struggles underline the importance of both individualism and government involvement .

  20. 以资产阶级功利主义为导向的必然结果只能是个人主义泛滥。

    The individualism to spread unchecked is the investable result which we takes utilitarian as the guiding .

  21. 最糟糕的结果是,利己主义和贷款机构从中作梗,台湾将近乎全部的行业控制权拱手让给韩国人。

    The worst is that egos and lenders get in the way , and Taiwan cedes almost total control of the industry to the Koreans .

  22. 它是近代中国社会政治、经济发展的必然结果,是马列主义同中国工人运动相结合的产物。

    It is an inevitable outcome of the political and economic development in modern Chinese society , and it is the result of the Marxism-Leninism combined with Labour movement .

  23. 其生成态是指称关系变化和意指关系调整的结果,从联结主义的角度看就是两个神经元网络之间建立相互连接的过程。

    The emergence of metaphor results from changes of reference and regulation of signification , which , from the connectionist point of view , is the establishment of connection between two neuron networks .

  24. 伯恩施坦想用理论适应实践的办法来消除理论和实践的脱节,结果脱离了马克思主义立场,修正了马克思主义,形成自己的社会主义观。

    Bernstein would like to use the theory to adapt to practical ways to eliminate a mismatch between theory and practice , resulting from the Marxist position , the amendment of Marxism , forming their own concept of socialism .

  25. 实验结果表明,连通主义词汇教学策略有助于帮助学生学习记忆词汇,促进学生时词汇的掌握和应用,并以词汇的听、说、用全面掌握为中心,综合提高英语水平。

    The experiment indicated , this strategy is very helpful for students to learn new words and promote students to master and practise words , centered on mastering words in listening , speaking and using , improving English comprehensively .

  26. 以上研究结果表明基于建构主义的计算机辅助项目教学法在促进自主学习方面具有潜力,可以帮助学习者树立理念、选择策略、确立目标、执行计划和自我评估。

    In light of the above findings , this paper suggests that the constructivist project-based learning with technology has potential in developing learner autonomy , in terms of both learning beliefs and strategies , which include goal-setting , independent-action and evaluation .

  27. 二战后,英国农业产出稳步上升,到上世纪70年代,英国农民所占市场份额从40%提升至70%的最高水平。这种结果是在保护主义壁垒下实现的&最初是英国,随后是欧洲。

    After the war agricultural output rose steadily , and British farmers increased their market share from 40 per cent to a peak of 70 per cent in the 1970s . This was achieved behind protectionist barriers , first national and then European .

  28. 然而,在意识形态被全盘否定之后,国家已忽视所有与意识形态相关的教育活动,这一结果导致了爱国主义教育系统遭到严重破坏,大学生爱国意识不断下降。

    However , after total negation of ideology , the society overlook all the relevant education problems in national ideology . The result of the domestic patriotism education system was severely damaged , and the patriotism sense of students went into a sharp decline .

  29. 研究结果表明,建构主义教学理论在大学英语教学中实用且有效,这一理论对增强大学英语教学效果、提高大学英语教学水平有着重要的指导作用。

    The result of the study indicates that constructivist teaching theory is practical and useful in college English teaching . The constructivist theory of teaching has played a significant guiding role in improving and enhancing the college teaching efficiency as well as the teaching standard .

  30. 根据新生自主学习能力问卷调查结果,以建构主义为理论依据,探索在多媒体技术手段下培养和切实提高高职学生英语自主学习能力的模式。

    According to the survey made on the autonomous learning ability among newly-admitted students and under the guidance of constructivism , this paper probes into the effective mode to cultivate and improve the autonomous learning ability of higher vocational college students with the assistance of multimedia-network techniques .