
jié hūn jiè zhi
  • wedding ring
  1. 结婚戒指象征已婚夫妇之间永恒的爱。

    A wedding ring is a symbol of eternal love between a married couple .

  2. 婚姻是一场三个RING的盛会:订婚戒指(engagementRING)、结婚戒指(weddingRING)和无尽的苦头(suffeRING)。

    Marriage is a three ring circus : engagement ring , wedding ring and suffering .

  3. 伦敦Aldridge珠宝公司总经理TeddyShattock向我们展示怎样挑选结婚戒指。

    Teddy Shattock , managing director of Aldridge Jewellers on London show us how to choose a wedding ring .

  4. 结婚戒指的挑选将是你一生中最关键的选择之一。所以,在VideoJug的帮助下正确地选择结婚戒指。

    The selection of a wedding ring could be one of the most critical decisions of your life ; so get it right with VideoJug 's assistance .

  5. 文章里说有人在《美少女的谎言》片场看到Torrey佩戴了淡黄色的钻石结婚戒指。

    The story adds , Since then Torrey has been spotted wearing a canary yellow diamond and a wedding band on the set of Pretty Little Liars .

  6. 你愿意跟你的结婚戒指分开吗?

    Would you be willing to part with your wedding ring ?

  7. 结婚戒指通常是爱情象征的表示。

    A wedding ring is usually a symbolic gesture of love .

  8. 他们都会认为你是带着你的结婚戒指。

    They 'll assume that you 're wearing your wedding ring .

  9. 结婚戒指象征着男女双方的结合。

    A wedding ring symbolizes the union of the two partners .

  10. 好漂亮的结婚戒指,你丈夫呢?

    What a beautiful wedding ring . Where 's your husband ?

  11. 结婚戒指戴旧了,烦恼也就消除了。

    As your wedding-ring wears , your cares will wear away .

  12. 我们的结婚戒指你不是跟里昂买的吗?

    Didn 't you buy my engagement ring from leon ?

  13. 那个老妇人的结婚戒指在他口袋里。

    The old woman 's wedding ring was right in his pocket .

  14. 那个有钱的人戴着一枚大的结婚戒指。

    The wealthy man is wearing a big wedding ring .

  15. 至今在法国三色金戒指仍然是传统的结婚戒指。

    It is still a traditional wedding ring in France .

  16. 在列车中醒来,没有结婚戒指。

    Wake up on the train , NO WEDDING RING .

  17. 她戴着结婚戒指,表示她已结婚。

    She wears a wedding ring to show that she 's married .

  18. 为什么结婚戒指总是戴在第三只手指上?

    Why is a wedding ring always worn on the third finger ?

  19. 每一枚订婚戒指都会有相配套的结婚戒指。

    Each engagement ring will have a matching wedding band .

  20. 当然,他们也准备了结婚戒指。

    And , of course , they have the ring .

  21. 我妈正在物色结婚戒指。

    While my mother was looking for a wedding ring .

  22. 杰给我的结婚戒指改变了我的一生。

    The engagement ring that Jay gave me that changed my life .

  23. 为什么结婚戒指要戴在无名指上?

    Why wedding ring should put on the forth finger ?

  24. 你是那位带着结婚戒指的人,不是我

    You 're the one with the wedding ring , not me .

  25. 哦,可以把你的结婚戒指给我吗?

    Oh , can you grab me your wedding ring ?

  26. 那是你的结婚戒指-我的什么?

    That 's your wedding ring . - My what ?

  27. 我注意到你没有带结婚戒指

    I noticed that you aren 't wearing a ring .

  28. 他把母亲的结婚戒指典当了。

    He 's pledged his mother 's wedding ring .

  29. 左手无名指上带着他的结婚戒指。

    On the fourth finger of his left hand he wore a wedding-ring .

  30. 她没钱从典当商那里赎回她的结婚戒指。

    She couldn 't afford to redeem her wedding ring from the pawnbroker .