
  • 网络Sausage Bread;sausage bun;Sausage Roll
  1. 热狗;香肠面包。

    A hot dog ; a wiener .

  2. 否则,阿尔卑斯山的乳制品、香肠和面包都很值得带回家。

    Otherwise , Alpine dairy products , sausages , and breads are well worth taking home .

  3. 我们午餐吃大蒜香肠肉加面包。

    We lunched on garlic sausage and some bread .

  4. 我们能要一些香肠,一些面包和一些苹果吗?

    Clare : Can we have some sausages , some bread and some apples ?

  5. 夹有热的法兰克福香肠的小圆面包。

    A frankfurter served hot on a bun .

  6. 里面有意大利香肠和硬皮面包。

    It was pepperoni , thick crust .

  7. 然后,家人坐在一起,吃一顿丰盛的早餐,有鸡蛋、香肠、甜甜圈面包、咖啡等。

    Then the entire church eats a big breakfast together , with eggs , sausage , doughnuts , pastries and coffee .

  8. 煎蛋香肠,火腿,意大利辣香肠酸奶牛奶烤面包稀饭糯米。

    Omelet Sausage , Ham , Pepperoni Yogurt Milk Toast Porridge Sticky rice .