
xī ěr dùn
  • Hilton;Paris Hilton;Nicky Hilton;James Hilton
  1. “希尔顿在吗?”她随口问道。

    ' Is Hilton here ? ' she asked without ceremony .

  2. 我们在希尔顿酒店的酒吧间碰头吧。

    Let 's meet in the cocktail lounge at the Hilton .

  3. 希尔顿8点半敲门把他叫醒了。

    Hilton roused him at eight-thirty by rapping on the door

  4. 他能听到希尔顿在同休斯敦激烈争吵时的咆哮声。

    He could hear Hilton 's strident voice rising in vehement argument with Houston .

  5. 如果您想犒劳一下自己,马耳他希尔顿酒店将为您提供高水准的国际化服务。

    If you want to treat yourself , the Malta Hilton offers high international standards .

  6. 他们在巴黎希尔顿酒店的套房里度过了非常愉快的一周。

    They had a fabulous time during their week in a suite at the Paris Hilton .

  7. 他昨晚登记住进希尔顿旅馆。

    He booked into the Hilton hotel last night .

  8. 2008年,希尔顿酒店(HiltonWorldwide)宣布了信贷危机和随后的金融风暴发生前最后一项巨额收购交易。

    Hilton Worldwide was the last mega-buyout to be announced before the 2008 credit crunch and ensuing financial crisis .

  9. 商业游说团体LondonFirst移民政策主管马克?希尔顿(MarkHilton)表示,印度这类市场出现了“令人担心的下滑”。

    Mark Hilton , head of immigration policy at business lobby London First , said there was a " worrying decline " in markets such as India .

  10. 此外还有1956年昙花一现的百老汇音乐剧《香格里拉》(Shangri-La),由詹姆斯·希尔顿的小说《远逝的地平线》(LostHorizon)改编。

    and a short-lived 1956 Broadway musical , " Shangri-La , " based on the James Hilton novel " Lost Horizon . "

  11. 最新的例证是希尔顿全球酒店集团(HiltonWorldwide),这家公司周一宣布可能筹资多达24亿美元。

    The latest example comes from Hilton Worldwide , which on Monday said it could raise as much as $ 2.4 billion .

  12. 上榜的其他名人包括美国豪门女星、社交名媛帕里斯•希尔顿(第六位)及英国选秀节目“TheXFactor”冠军莉欧娜•刘易斯(第九位)。

    Other celebrities on the list included U.S. heiress and socialite Paris Hilton ( sixth ) and Leona Lewis , a winner of Britain 's " The X Factor " television talent show ( ninth ) .

  13. 凌晨3点,看起来满脸疲惫的巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)总统出现在芝加哥希尔顿酒店(ChicagoHilton)舞厅哭泣的支持者面前,承认竞选失败。

    At three in the morning , an exhausted-looking President Barack Obama appears before weeping supporters in the ballroom of the Chicago Hilton and concedes defeat .

  14. 出演电视真人秀《简单生活》的女星希尔顿高居Google资讯搜索热门关键字排行榜榜首,演员奥兰多·布鲁姆屈居第二。

    Hilton , who starred in the reality television show " The Simple Life ," topped the list of the most frequent Google news searches , with actor Orlando Bloom ranking second .

  15. 幸好,去年开业的希尔顿逸林酒店(DoubletreebyHiltonSeychelles)价格低得多。

    the Doubletree by Hilton Seychelles , which opened last year is , thankfully , more affordable .

  16. 现年48岁的美国歌手惠特尼休斯顿在周六晚上被发现死于洛杉矶的希尔顿酒店中。惠特尼脍炙人口的歌曲包括IWillAlwaysLoveYou,IWannaDancewithSomebody等。

    It comes after the singer , whose most famous hits include I Will Always Love You and I Wanna Dance With Somebody , was found dead in her Los Angeles hotel room on Saturday afternoon at the age of 48 .

  17. 《中外对话》(ChinaDialogue)是一个讨论中国环境问题及提供其资讯的独立网站。它的编辑伊莎贝尔?希尔顿(IsabelHilton)说,煤炭是国家空气污染问题的主要原因。

    Isabel Hilton , editor of China Dialogue , an independent website that publishes information and debate on the environment in China , said coal is the main cause of the country 's air pollution problems .

  18. 包括奥兰多比娜·维斯塔湖的拉迪森酒店(RadissonHotelOrlando)、环球影视主题公园(UniversalOrlando)入口处的希尔顿逸林酒店(DoubleTreebyHilton),以及海洋世界(SeaWorld)附近的希尔顿花园酒店(HiltonGardenInnOrlando)。

    They included the Radisson Hotel Orlando in Lake Buena Vista , DoubleTree by Hilton at the entrance to Universal Orlando and Hilton Garden Inn Orlando at SeaWorld .

  19. 第一家是香港人经营的凯莱大酒店(Gloria),于1995年开张,以假日酒店和希尔顿为首的国际大牌酒店紧随其后。

    The first was the Hong Kong-managed Gloria , which opened in1995.International brands , led by Holiday Inn and Sheraton , arrived soon after that .

  20. 席琳·迪翁(CélineDion)在恺撒王宫酒店的四年驻唱,就赚足了四亿美元。而巴里·曼尼洛(BarryManilow)也于2007年在拉斯维加斯希尔顿酒店里表演88场后,赚得2370万美元。

    C é line Dion 's four-year run at Caesars Palace grossed more than $ 400 million , while Barry Manilow earned $ 23.7 million for88 shows at the Vegas Hilton in2007 .

  21. 希尔顿酒店集团(HiltonHotels)也于去年11月宣布,与印度开发商DLF成立了期待已久的合资企业,将在未来7年内,在印度建设并拥有75家酒店和酒店式公寓。

    Hilton Hotels also in November announced a long-expected joint venture with Indian developer DLF to build and own 75 hotels and serviced apartments over the next seven years .

  22. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)分析师彼得?希尔顿(PeterHilton)表示:“美国公司可以向中国体系内注入更多运力,并承接向来由亚洲航空公司包揽的货运业务。”

    Peter Hilton , analyst at Credit Suisse , says : " The Americans are being allowed to inject more capacity into the Chinese system and moving goods that would have traditionally gone to Asian carriers . "

  23. 希尔顿和dlf将首先在昌迪加尔(chandigarh)、钦奈和加尔各答等地开办20家酒店。

    Hilton and DLF will first build 20 hotels in cities such as Chandigarh , Chennai and Kolkata .

  24. 2007年,即最近一轮经济衰退开始前不久,黑石集团(TheBlackstoneGroup)以200亿美元将希尔顿私有化,当时酒店运营公司普遍受到商业旅行者和度假者减少、以及房地产价格下跌的冲击。

    The Blackstone Group ( BX ) took it private for $ 20 billion in 2007 , shortly after the recession began , as hotel operators were hurt by a drop in business travel , fewer vacationers , and falling real estate prices .

  25. 艾玛胡是伦敦公园街上希尔顿酒店的SpatoYou护肤中心主管,他说:夜莺是吃着梅树上的毛毛虫长大的。

    Emma Hu , director of the Spa to You centre at the Hilton Hotel on London 's Park Lane , said : ' The nightingales were fed on caterpillars that eat from plum trees .

  26. 该计划是建立“我的新BFF”成为一个全球专营权,希尔顿寻找世界各地的BFF。

    The plan is to build " My New BFF " into a global franchise , with Hilton searching for BFFs around the world .

  27. 他的合伙人乔伊·麦克法兰(JoeyMcFarland)是来自肯塔基州的小规模投资者,麦克法兰初涉娱乐业时,负责安排希尔顿等名人收费参加活动的档期。

    His partner , Joey McFarland , was a small-time investor from Kentucky whose entertainment-business apprenticeship included booking paid party appearances for celebrities like Ms. Hilton .

  28. 但这种意志力和克己精神已属罕见&像洛克菲勒家族(Rockefellers)和希尔顿家族(Hiltons)那样令人遗憾的案例更为普遍。

    But such willpower and self-denial is rare-sad cases like the Rockefellers and Hiltons are more common .

  29. 爱丁堡(Edinburgh)的希尔顿逸林酒店推出了“新郎学院”的概念,教倒霉的未婚夫们学习熨衣、铺床、烹饪,甚至是调鸡尾酒的技巧。

    Edinburgh 's Double Tree by Hilton hotel has dubbed its concept The Groom Academy , and teaches hapless fianc é s how to hone their skills at ironing , bed-making , cooking and even cocktail making .

  30. 昨日,负责美国核武器库的战略司令部司令凯文•希尔顿(KevinChilton)表示,中国核能力的提高不会改变美国在核问题上的姿态。

    Yesterday , General Kevin Chilton , head of Strategic Command , which is responsible for the US nuclear arsenal , said China 's increased capability would not alter the US nuclear posture .