
  1. 消费者向服务提供者登记,从目录选出所希望的服务,并且预订服务。

    The consumer enrolls with the service provider , selects the service desired from the catalog , and subscribes to the service .

  2. 消费者通过选择报价来选定所希望的服务,报价包含所希望的服务并确定合同中的使用条款。

    The consumer selects the desired service by choosing an offer containing the desired service ( s ) and identifying the terms of use in a contract .

  3. 对Web服务进行分类使您能够使用复杂的搜索,以便查找最希望得到的服务。

    Categorization of the Web service allows sophisticated searches to be used to find the most desirable service .

  4. 数据绑定将传输的本机消息转换为组件所希望接收的服务数据对象(ServiceDataObject,SDO)或进行反向转换。

    A data binding converts the transport 's native message into the Service Data Objects ( SDOs ) expected by the components , and vice versa .

  5. 然后,使用希望连接的服务的URI从中创建Resource类的一个实例。

    Then , you create an instance of the Resource class from it using the URI of the service you want to connect to .

  6. 希望自己的服务获得更进一步的认可的认证机构会接受IAF组织的国际认证,以成为有资格有能力的机构。

    Certification bodies that wish to provide further confidence in their services may apply to be " accredited " as competent by an IAF recognized national accreditation body .

  7. 希望我的服务可以使您满意!

    I 'd like to satisfy you with my excellent service .

  8. 不是你原来希望的媒体服务经理。

    Not to manager of media services , as you 'd hoped .

  9. 服务使用者如何查找其希望调用的服务?

    How do service consumers locate the services they want to invoke ?

  10. 同时,这项法案将为社会企业提供新的支持,确立并培育全国范围内的有希望的新服务计划。

    And this legislation will provide new support for social entrepreneurship , identifying and nurturing promising new service programs around the country .

  11. 您更希望您的服务的设计从最早期开始,就能适应未来的、局部改变的、更加简单的需求。

    You might even want to design your service from the very beginning to make any future , minor changes , easier .

  12. 再次,我们非常高兴能与您建立联系,并希望我们的服务和设施能让您满意。

    Again , we are delighted to be affiliated with your organization and wish to assure you of the finest service and accommodations available in zhenjiang .

  13. 在左边窗格中,选择希望调用的Web服务方法。

    In the left pane you select which web service method you wish to invoke .

  14. 使用代理选择希望保护的MDM服务的WSDL文件。

    Select a WSDL file of the MDM service you want to protect using the proxy .

  15. 有些运营商推出新服务作为反击,并希望超快的4G服务能带来较高的定价。

    Some operators are fighting back with services of their own and the hope that a move to superfast 4G services will lead to premium pricing .

  16. 用户希望得到良好的服务。

    All the users wish to be served very well .

  17. 指定希望使用的电子邮件服务。

    Specify the e-mail services you want to use .

  18. 请选中您希望接收的订阅服务旁边的复选框。

    Select the check boxes next to the subscription services that you wish to receive .

  19. 上海希望成为领先的服务中心,拥有高质量的研究及旅游设施。

    Shanghai wants to become a leading services centre , with high quality research and tourist facilities .

  20. 此时,迫切希望开展业务的服务供应商就会愿意基于更低的油价重新洽谈一份全新的协议。

    Desperate for work , the suppliers will now be willing to renegotiate a whole new agreement based on a lower oil price .

  21. 他表示希望蚂蚁金融的服务和产品在五年内覆盖泰国50%的网民。

    He said he hopes Ant Financial 's services and products will reach 50 percent of the Internet users in Thailand within five years .

  22. 希望中国的法律服务业在接受挑战的同时,把握机遇,在与国外大的法律服务机构竞争的过程中,提高自身能力,实现中国法律服务业的新跨越。

    Such a discussion is made in a purpose that the foreign affairs Legal Service in China can improve itself in competition with foreign legal services .

  23. 如果架构师或者开发人员希望完全的将服务提供者的规范从它的可能执行中分离出来,就将使用到规范合成要素。

    If the architect or developer wanted to completely separate the specification of the service provider from its possible implementations , a specification component would be used .

  24. 调用方不能将所有的请求消息格式都放置在任何一个请求通道上;它必须准确地知道希望调用的特定服务的正确消息格式和通道。

    The caller can 't just put any request message format on any request channel ; it has to know exactly the right message format and channel for the specific service it wishes to invoke .

  25. 他们远比美国旅游者更看重机场至酒店的行李运送服务(这一项甚至未能进入美国游客所希望获得的尊贵服务的前十位)。他们很享受进入贵宾候机室以及取得优先安检权。

    They value baggage delivery from airport to hotel much more than American travellers ( in the US it is not even in the top ten priorities ) and they enjoy the exclusivity of priority lounges and priority security lines .

  26. 现有的入侵检测技术由于存在误报和漏报,检测分析方法单一,主动防御能力低下等问题,对复杂环境的适应能力明显不足,难以满足人们所希望得到的网络服务质量。

    By reason of the mistakes and omissions of alarm , single detection method , low capacity of active defense and other issues , existing intrusion detection techniques are lack of abilities to adapt to the complex environment and insufficient to meet the desired QoS .

  27. 受限于传统网络层次化结构的限制,当前网络元素不能感知其它网络元素的各种行为及环境状态,对复杂环境的适应能力明显不足,难以满足人们所希望得到的网络服务质量。

    The present network elements could not perceive the action of others and the environment state due to the constraint of traditional network architecture . As a result , the adaptation ability of network elements for complex environment is inadequate and the quality of service can not be guaranteed .

  28. 如果您已经构建了一个应用程序,并且希望将类似Twitter的服务添加到应用程序中,那么很可能已经有了用户管理功能。

    If you 've already built an application and want to add a Twitter-like service to it , you probably already have user management in place .

  29. 随着无线接入和移动通信网络的飞速发展,很多移动用户也希望访问传统的Internet服务,包括流媒体应用。

    With the rapid improvement in both wireless access technology and mobile communication , more and more mobile users will expect to have access to the services and applications available in traditional Internet , and these services will surely include multimedia applications .

  30. 希望针对农村的社区服务空心化提出更多建设性意见。

    Hope to rural community service hollow made more constructive suggestions .