
  • 网络Economic system environment;environment of economic system
  1. 本文从工业品进出口结构变化、外商直接投资结构变化、经济体制环境和资源配置格局变化等方面分析了加入WTO后我国工业结构变动面临的综合性影响。

    This paper analyzes the comprehensive influence that China 's industrial structure change will face after WTO accession from changing of manufactured goods import and export structure , FDI structure , economic system environment and resource allocation pattern .

  2. 在复杂的市场经济体制环境下,企业的财务活动具有很大的不确定性,这既可能给企业带来收益,也可能使企业蒙受损失。

    In a complex market economy environment , the financial activity is in a great uncertainty , which can give businesses the proceeds , or the enterprises may suffer .

  3. 但由于我国现有的经济体制环境、社会结构特点、传统的政治文化传统和习惯、现有的利益格局等因素的影响和制约而面临着重重障碍。

    But because of the current and economic system environment , Social Construction CharacteriZes that our country , tradition of Political cul ture , current benefits structural etc. the factors influence invite with system facing the layer after layer obstacle .

  4. 因为在社会主义经济体制环境下,要抓好互相联系的三个方面:加大力度增强企业的活力;逐步放松国家对企业的管理,由直接控制转向以间接控制为主;逐步完善社会主义市场体系。

    In the environment of the socialist economic system , should be placed on three interrelated aspects : enhance the vitality of the enterprise ; the gradual relaxation of the management of state enterprises ; gradually perfecting the system of the socialist market .

  5. 但由于受经济体制环境的制约、中国证券市场本身还很不完善以及上市公司治理水平还有待提高等诸多因素的影响,上市公司股权激励仍不能说很成熟。

    But , due to the economic system environment restriction and the China securities market itself are not perfect and listed company level of management needs to be improved , and many other factors , the stock ownership incentive listed company still cannot say very mature .

  6. 在市场经济体制的环境中,围绕税收而形成的各有关行为主体之间的关系,均表现为权力与义务的对称。

    In the market economy , all relations concerning tax reflect the symmetry between rights and obligations .

  7. 市场经济体制下环境外部不经济性的存在,要求政府必须综合运用多种环境管理方法对市场进行有效干预;

    The existence of external environmental diseconomy in market economy system make government has to intervene in the market effectively with multi-ways of environmental manage .

  8. 经济体制改革对环境保护的影响及其政策调整

    Effect of economic system reform on environmental protection and the adjustment of policy

  9. 社会主义市场经济体制下的环境法制建设

    The Environmental Law Build in Socialistic Economy System

  10. 影响大学生就业问题的因素有很多,受国家经济体制、社会环境、大学生个体、就业市场等多个因素综合制约。

    There are many factors that can influence undergraduates ' employment , such as national economic system , social environment , graduates ' situations , and job market .

  11. 电力多种经营企业产生于中国特殊的宏观经济体制改革大环境,是我国电力体制改革和发展产物。

    Electric multiply management enterprise derived from the environment of reform in special macro economy system of china , and was the offspring of electric reform and development .

  12. 从分析机车维修体制的现状入手,指出了在社会主义市场经济体制这个大环境下现行机车维修体制存在的种种弊端。

    The various disadvantages of the existing locomotive maintenance system under socialist market economy system were pointed out , beginning with analyzing the current situations of locomotive maintenance system .

  13. 在市场经济体制的大环境下,借鉴市场营销中的顾客让渡价值理论,探讨医院的营销策略具有重要的战略意义。

    In the environment of market economy system , it has the important strategy meaning to discuss the hospital marketing tactics by using the theory of customer transfer value in the marketing for reference .

  14. 同时,从另一个角度,会计标准上的不一致性在某种程度上折射出不同经济体制、社会环境、法律体系、文化背景等环境因素上的差异。

    At one time , from another point of view , the differences of accounting standards reflect some diversities of the factors such as various economic system , social environment , jurisprudence , culture background .

  15. 同时,完善债权人参与公司治理制度还需要改革银行等金融机构、成熟的市场经济体制等外部环境。

    At the same time , improving the participation of creditors in corporate governance system also needs to reform the banks and other financial institutions , and the external environment such as a mature market economy .

  16. 二十世纪七十年代末以来,在改革开放的历史背景下,随之而来的文化体制变革与创新,使中国电影产业赖以生存和发展的经济基础与体制环境等都发生了巨大的变化。

    Since the end of 1970s , with the historical background of reform and opening up , and with the innovation of cultural system , the economic basement and the institutional environment of the Chinese film industry have great changes .

  17. 国有森工资源型企业是我国特殊的经济基础和体制环境下的产物,是国有林区微观经济基础中最具特色的基础部分,是我国国有林区经济的基础和脊梁。

    The state-owned forestry industry resource-oriented enterprises is the foundation of our special economic circumstances and institutional product , It is the foundation of state forest microeconomic foundation of the most distinctive , and My woodland economic foundation and backbone .

  18. 市场经济体制下的企业环境行为及调控

    Environmental Action and Control of Enterprise under Market Economic System

  19. 外国政府财务报告的研究成果并不一定适合我国特有的政治经济体制和社会文化环境。

    So the foreign research are not suitable to the special political and social environments of China .

  20. 教育政策议程建立的主要影响因素有问题自身的原因、教育行政机构的预测性发动、大众传媒、政治经济体制改革及国际环境等。

    The main factors that affect educational policy agenda include the problem itself , proposal of educational administration , mass media , political and economic structural reform and international environment .

  21. 在特定的经济体制和金融市场环境中,不同国家形成了各异的融资模式和所有权结构,进而产生不同的公司治理模式。

    In the particular economic system and financial market environment , different countries have developed different modes of financing and ownership structure and they have had different corporate governance patterns .

  22. 应充分运用深层生态学思想、可持续发展理论、环境经济学理论等,在分析市场经济体制条件下生态环境再生产特点的基础上,构建生态环境经济核算理论体系。

    We should build theoretical framework of the economic accounting of ecological environment and fully employ deep ecology thought , theory of sustained development , and environment economics theory , based on analyzing character of ecological environment reproduce under market economic system .

  23. 基于中国改革开放宽松的政治经济背景和从计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨的制度环境,中国产业集群的起源和发展与区域优势的动态转化息息相关。

    Based on the reform and opening-up policy and the transition from planed economy to market economy , the emergence and development of China 's industrial clusters are closely bound up with dynamic transforming of the regional advantages .

  24. 经济伦理与经济、社会状况紧密相连,其发展变异主要受制于三个条件:社会制度、经济体制和文化环境。

    Economic ethics is link to economic and social state closely . Its development and variation is limited by social system , economic system and cultural environment .