
  1. 最后是分析和描述SALT技术如何在网上直销系统中得到应用。

    The last is to apply the SALT interface to the whole system .

  2. 基于SALT的网上直销系统的实现

    Net Marketing System Based on SALT

  3. UnionHand烘焙咖啡:在桑斯博里及其它许多零售商店及饭店销售,也有网上直销。

    Union Hand Roasted coffee : sold in Sainsbury 's and many other retailers and restaurants , and sells direct online .

  4. 本课题即是充分利用SALT这项新技术和新特点,与电子商务进行技术整合,从而实现基于SALT技术的网上直销系统。

    In this thesis , all of the new technologies and characteristic are integrated into Ecommerce application , and achieved the " Net marketing System based on SALT " .

  5. 这家零售商在中国已开有282家实体店,在日本则开有371家西友百货(seiyu)店,但还没有网上直销业务。

    The retailer already has 282 physical stores in China and 371 Seiyu stores in Japan , but has no direct online sales .

  6. 随着经济的推动,消费的拉动和利益的驱使,制造商也正在考虑重塑传统的分销渠道,将网上直销融入现有的供应链,以实现组织高效。

    With the push of economics , pull of consumption and inventive of profits , manufacturers are considering to redesign their distribution channels to achieve efficient operation .

  7. 凡参加网上直销商城的客户,协议期满还需继续参加网上直销的,请提前一个月进行续费;

    Who participate in online direct marketing mall customers , the agreement needs to continue to participate in online direct marketing expired , please renew for one month in advance ;

  8. 与此同时,一些独立制作者也加大了对专业网站的开发和利用,采取网上直销的手段来筹募资金,等等。

    At the same time some independent fiction faculties have increased the using and exploring of the professional websites , and they have raised funds by direct sale via internet as well .

  9. 产品单价高、技术复杂,可采用网上直销策略。几个星期以来一直有人订购几种脱销的产品。

    If the unit price is high and its complicated in technique , you can turn to the strategy of the E-marketing . Several out - of - stock items have been on order for week .

  10. 然而,福特公司网上直销模式将夺去部分汽车经销商的饭碗,客户订购生产模式也将与传统的大规模批量生产模式发生激烈冲突。

    However , the direct network sales mode shall sieze some means of livelihood from automotive product sellers , the customer order production mode shall conflict severely with the traditional large scale and high volume production mode .

  11. 随着近几年电子商务的迅猛发展,各类型的企业纷纷触网,开展基于电子商务的销售、采购或服务,网上直销渠道已经成为企业的重要发展平台与生存方式。

    With the rapid development of electronic commerce in recent years , various types of enterprises have " net " to carry on e-commerce sales , purchases or services , online direct marketing has become an important platform for the development and way of life .

  12. 当他想在网上进行汽车直销,没人确定人们愿不愿意从网上买车。

    When he had an idea for an online car dealer , CarsDirect , no one was sure if people would actually buy a car from a Web site .